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BEE_REAL_ t1_itujk9w wrote

You're assuming a lot from one word lol

Se7en is not edgy from a filmmaking perspective, it pushes no envelopes in terms of form, narrative, or even content really. It doesn't really engage with the violence in the movie, it just suggests. It gives flashes of convoluted violent scenarios, but with no interest in actually intimating the viewer with the violence -- it justs suggests it to try to impress the viewer with edgyness.


ZippyZappyZoopy t1_itujzld wrote

oh nah i'm not bothered by you calling seven edgy specifically i'm iffy on that movie myself. i just hate the use of the word edgy as a catch all descriptor or criticism in general.

people need to use more words to say what they mean because edginess is not inherently bad.

>it justs suggests it to try to impress the viewer with edgyness.

like this means nothing lol.


BEE_REAL_ t1_ituu0ia wrote

That's fair, I could probably cut the "with edgyness" part out and it would communicate what I mean better