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Ponceludonmalavoix t1_iu8oezm wrote

Resurrection has some very cool ideas and imagery, even the overall plot is pretty clever considering where 3 left off. The thing that keeps it from being good is tonal goofiness that just doesn’t fit. I hate to say it because I love Pearlman but his character is horribly written. The culmination of which is when he gleefully exclaims “Hey everyone! Ripleys back!” Which has to be the cringiest thing in the film. He’s giving a blade 2 performance, which isn’t in and of itself bad, but just completely out of place in this film (edit: or rather out of place in a better version of this movie).

That line always bugged the crap out of me because I could have seen a delivery where it might be sarcasm, but that’s now how it is delivered. Just really weird choice that is symptomatic of a lot of the tonal problems the movie has.

It’s a pity because I also love Jeunet, but resurrection always missed the mark for me.


boodabomb t1_iu9gb8t wrote

If you don’t watch it as an Alien film, it’s actually a huge amount of fun. I caught it on TV when I was a kid and started 10 minutes in so I had no idea what I was watching. So for 30 minutes I was like “WTF is this? This is amazing!” Then an Alien showed up, but I was already sold on the silliness.


Three_Froggy_Problem t1_iubm5bh wrote

I agree with you, but I don’t think what you’re talking about is Perlman’s fault. The problem is that the decision was made somewhere along the line (I don’t know if it was the director or what) to give the film that sort of heightened, goofy tone.


RP-McMurphy t1_iu8z5ez wrote

“I am not the man with whom to fuck” is the line that does it for me.

It’s just such an awful line. The writing and delivery are bad in equal measure.

“Dont fuck with me”.

See how easy that was to fix?


Ponceludonmalavoix t1_iu99vp7 wrote

Doesn’t he drop some sort of one liner after Ripley burns the failed clones? Been a while since I saw it but seem to remember the scene being relatively good until Pearlman has to interject something goofy when she leave the room.