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bimpossibIe t1_iu8e4qd wrote

On Your Wedding Day (2018) - South Korea

Elise (2019) - Philippines

These are a bit older, but let me leave them here in case you're interested:

Blue Gate Crossing (2002) - Taiwan

Heavenly Forest (2006) - Japan

Seasons Change (2006) - Thailand

Koizora (2007) - Japan

I Give My First Love to You (2009) - Japan

Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010) - Thailand

Kimi Ni Todoke (2010) - Japan

You Are the Apple of My Eye (2011) - Taiwan

SuckSeed (2011) - Thailand

Architecture 101 (2012) - South Korea

May Who? (2015) - Thailand

Our Times (2015) - Taiwan

Back to the 90s (2015) - Thailand

Vince and Kath and James (2017) - Philippines

Let Me Eat Your Pancreas (2017) - Japan