undefeated_Equality t1_itwq02v wrote
A lot of people said it's the funniest film of the year. And said to be a classic for AL fans and parodies.
ElderCunningham t1_itwq4it wrote
I saw it at Beyond Fest in Santa Monica a few weeks ago! (And am going to see it again tomorrow night in West LA.)
It's even more hilarious than it looks.
undefeated_Equality t1_itwq8ll wrote
Yes! That's so exciting!!!
MimonFishbaum t1_itwqwnk wrote
I need to go watch this. The trailer was hysterical.
undefeated_Equality t1_itwr8w3 wrote
I love how he tosses the tape to al to play it and burns the guys hand xD
lenflakisinski t1_itwrrhd wrote
I don’t think he’s still broken from that image. I love how his career has turned out but most people still think of him as Harry Potter. Compare that to Bryan Cranston who definitely did break out of his image from Malcolm in the Middle
bugxbuster t1_itwsrtp wrote
This post feels more like an ad than a discussion
undefeated_Equality t1_itwsun3 wrote
Sorry about that!
CruisinJo214 t1_itwsyju wrote
I just saw Weird Al last week and he is mean on that accordion these days. Can’t wait for this film.
[deleted] OP t1_itwtn1f wrote
undefeated_Equality t1_itwtpmd wrote
I've never gotten paid for any kind of post. I wish I did. I just get really enthusiastic
[deleted] OP t1_itwu0dn wrote
[deleted] OP t1_itwuhqx wrote
truckturner5164 t1_itwvr7f wrote
Hasn't Weird Al been predominently sans moustache for years anyway? Don't really think he's been famous for it for a while, lol.
Cedric-the-Owl t1_itwygil wrote
I cannot fucking wait. I'm serious, I don't think I've been this excited about a new movie in years.
MitsyEyedMourning t1_itwys50 wrote
I enjoy the show outside of the show, it's about a man who can never (could never) outlive his childhood fame who comes to terms with it and decides to enjoy his wildly vast fuck you money and act in ever increasing crazy roles.
peaceblaster68 t1_itwysnx wrote
Walk Hard meets Walk the Line is a funny phrase
simian_fold t1_itwysr0 wrote
Have to disagree about Daniel Radcliffe's image though, i know he has chosen loads of offbeat projects to do which is very cool and is very adventurous in those choices but i just cant shake the fact its Harry Potter and every time he's in a movie i cant help but think, oh look its Daniel Radcliffe the guy who played Harry Potter, which is something i don't have with Emma Watson for example or anyone else from the series for that matter
[deleted] OP t1_itwza85 wrote
MissyBee63 t1_itwzgl9 wrote
It will be interesting to see how the filmmakers shoot this to cover up the 7” height difference between Daniel and Al.
undefeated_Equality t1_itwzx47 wrote
Camera tricks similar to LOTR Trilogy where they made the actors who played the Hobbits small and the dwarf small as well.
All perspective techniques with the camera.
They did this in Top Secret! With the phone joke also.
DisasterPeace7 t1_itx03m0 wrote
As much as I don't like Evan Rachel wood, yeah I'll probably still watch it
[deleted] OP t1_itx0xpb wrote
Novazazz t1_itx10a5 wrote
Hey I love people being excited about films! Gets draining seeing people complain or pick apart actors. So this is much preferred.
And I definitely think you’ve spurred discussions. Feeling like an ad is one person’s fear that you’re not being genuine I suppose or that you have alterier motives? But from the sounds of it, you’re just really excited and the movie is just THAT good!
And I love that I’m even more excited to see it!
myballetflats t1_itx1fqe wrote
I’ve seen it about a month or so ago and I loved it.
truckturner5164 t1_itx1t17 wrote
Read the post again. Weird Al is shaving his 'famous moustache' to play a different character in the film. I'm saying Weird Al hasn't frequently sported a moustache in years, so it's unlikely he needed to shave at all.
[deleted] OP t1_itx2bid wrote
[deleted] OP t1_itx2lyt wrote
truckturner5164 t1_itx2pt2 wrote
It wouldn't surprise me.
ahmadinebro t1_itx3m5z wrote
Hes always been a virtuoso on the accordian. A rare feat for our generation.
[deleted] OP t1_itx3ygp wrote
frostedtips99 t1_itx4oen wrote
Super pumped. Can't wait to watch it. Weird Al forever
mg_ridgeview t1_itx5d33 wrote
I think I'll watch the movie, I loved Weird Al's stuff back in the 90's. But I was a little disappointed to find out that the filmmakers themselves said that they used little to no background material on Weird Al's own life. To me, that disqualifies it as a biopic. I know that they said they wanted to make it seem like a parody of a biopic, not a literal biopic, which I kind of get. But it seems cheap to me. I'm sure Weird Al's life must have been interesting enough to draw from?
lamefartriot t1_itx9s4l wrote
Weird Al is heavily involved. And besides one big tragedy in his life, I’m pretty sure most of his life and upbringing were pretty normal and not biopic worthy
theinquisition t1_itxbjqn wrote
Weird al does weird versions of regular songs. How could he not just do a weird version of his own life? It's like his greatest joy.
I'd watch a documentary about his life in a heartbeat. But I have zero problems seeing how a guy who wrote my bologna sees his own life.
Bappa bappa zoodoo, yea!
ZsaFreigh t1_itxiksr wrote
That's what's so great about it, it's a parody biopic, not a real biopic about Alfred Yankovic's early career. Al is heavily involved in the production. It's gonna be hilarious.
schleppylundo t1_itxkq2m wrote
Yeah he got LASIK, shaved his mustache, and grew his hair out longer (which makes the curves less dense because gravity) before 1999’s Running With Scissors, basically the halfway mark of his career to this point (although releases have of course become less frequent than in the 80s).
schleppylundo t1_itxkyex wrote
VH-1 did a “Behind the Music” episode on Al once. It was the most boring episode they’ve ever done. The only drama they could mine at all was the brief and overblown Coolio beef.
[deleted] OP t1_itxm7sf wrote
truckturner5164 t1_itxqyok wrote
Yes, I see him on TV being interviewed quite a bit and he's been clean shaven and no glasses anymore. Seems like one of the nicest guys in the world, too.
Fuzzl t1_itwpwat wrote
I love how Daniel has managed to break out of his Potter image, very curious about this movie. I know how to play the accordeion myself and its great reading its been played for real in the movie and that he took the extra mile learning it just for the movie.