It’s now one of my favorite movies of all time. I’ve been thinking about it constantly the last 48 hours since I watched it. There’s three main things that stuck out to me.
1: The pacing felt so luxurious. It’s so uncommon to experience that kind of pacing. I feel that House of Dragons tries to capture this spirit, but even then, when something twists for a character, GBU has a way of honing in on the character’s face for an extended period of time to really force the viewer to be empathetic. That and the pacing built so much tension. Take the final scenes with the stand-off. The camera panned like 50 times lol. My heart was panicked.
2: The sets. Take the Civil War battle with the bridge scene. Holy cow! The amount of $$ allocated for that scene must have been insane! And tbh, they didn’t necessarily need a full scale battle like that for the plot. It did add context to the period though. So freaking cool to see, no corners cut there.
3: The characters and plot structure. Something about all of the characters unified around a singular goal with the same motives, made it electric to see. The focus of the plot carved so much room for the actors to do their thing with their characters. Simple stories let heroes, villains, and misfits shine.
Edit: The music! How did I not mention the music!!!
Can’t wait to watch it again.