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Haiydes t1_iycrns2 wrote

LA Confidential

Im young so I never got to see these movies. This one is great. The story unfolds slowly and piece after piece you start to understand the story more and more.

Its a police movie about the corrupt police deprtment. Then a murder happens and 3 cops that couldnt be more different from one another are trying to solve the case and by doing so unravel something big.

I 100% recommend watching it if u dont get bored by people talking and dont need shootouts every 5mins


Sonny_Crockett_1984 t1_iyes4xv wrote

I saw this in a huge and totally empty theater in downtown Vancouver. I had the place all to myself. I felt like some wealthy Hollywood bigshot. The movie is a favorite and I highly recommend James Ellroy's novels.