Submitted by FutRaheem7 t3_z0x0zm in movies

For me it’s Top Gun: Maverick. This was amazing to watch on the big screen, I really loved that every second of the film blossomed on screen. On top of that, the action sequences were fucking insanity. Each scene was pulsating and genuinely had me excited for a film that I thought was gonna be absolute shit. Man I couldn’t believe how refreshing it was to watch a film in cinema after the whole pandemic and see such a slick movie like that. Honorable mention is The Northman. The final duel on screen is beauty in every second, it was endlessly fun to watch the beautiful cinematography from that film.



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walkincorpuscular t1_ix7qz7v wrote

Questions almost laughable. Has not been a good year for movies


TheyKilledFlipyap t1_ix7r15o wrote

Mundane as it sounds, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent was a great time. I don't usually go out for comedy flicks, but the jokes landed a lot better with an audience to appreciate 'em alongside.


Kingjoe97034 t1_ix7r5b5 wrote

I really enjoyed seeing The Fifth Element on the big screen.

I think that’s the only movie I saw in an actual theater this year.


SnakeinmyWoody t1_ix7r8es wrote

I saw X in a small theater with s small audience. It might be the most fun I've had in a theater since Tucker and Dale


Kakashi168 t1_ix7r9no wrote

Easily Top Gun Maverick, especially easy because many movies I was excited about were disappointing more or less. And the thing is I wasn't even excited about Maverick, I just watched it because of the good reviews and Tom Cruise. I was totally surprised that I loved it. I watched it 2 times in theaters, I barely do that.

Second is Bullet Train, also a movie I watched spontaneously and wasn't excited about, but I enjoyed the hell out of it, more than Maverick, but all in all Maverick wins when it comes to the overall experience, this movie blew me away.

Yeah these are the only 2 sadly.


ijab14 t1_ix7ric0 wrote

The Northman was the best theater experience - the film was epic and was designed for the theater. However, The Banshees of Inisherin is the best movie I’ve seen all year.


blucthulhu t1_ix7rpql wrote

Yeah, Top Gun would be up there. I sat in the front row and could feel the jet wash through the subwoofers. Not the best movie I've seen all year but it was definitely a unique experience. Elvis was another memorable outing.


babruflat t1_ix7rshq wrote

Seeing EEAAO on the big screen with a decent sized audience was a lot of fun. Everybody was engaged, laughing and cheering during the fun combat scenes and remaining silent during the emotional moments. That movie is special


A40 t1_ix7sxp7 wrote

The Woman King. It was wonderful.


chichris t1_ix7t5tv wrote

Top Gun Maverick. Only movie specifically made for the theater experience. Until Avatar 2 drops.

Also enjoyed Smile, Terrifier 2, X and Pearl.


lanceflare t1_ix7tnox wrote

There were so man highlights this year. For sheer spectacle Top Gun takes the crown. Everything Everywhere All at Once was a blast to watch on so many levels. And The Northman wins for it‘s sound design.


wford112 t1_ix7uci0 wrote

Saw The Batman for the early fan Imax Screening. Such a great Tuesday night and one of my favorite experiences in a theater of all time


Huevos___Rancheros t1_ix7w9rp wrote

Nope in Imax was easily the best theatre experience for me this year and by quite some distance it was awesome


Waste-Replacement232 t1_ix7xosh wrote

Oooh, I can’t decide between RRR and Terrifier 2. RRR was more fun but Terrifier 2 was more audacious


TSac-O t1_ix7xsqa wrote

Barbarian and Bodies Bodies Bodies. Neither were the best movies I've seen, but both were great to see in a theater surrounded by other people in on the fun


Marta_caesar t1_ix7z3cc wrote

The northman, Elvis and Top Gun Maverick were made to be seen on big screen, and for me were great experiences and I if I had the opportunity I would repeat them!


HoselRockit t1_ix7z9w8 wrote

Top Gun with a top notch sound system was unbeatable.


L0b0t0my t1_ix84tgw wrote

EEAAO (Everything Everywhere All At Once), I didn't really have much going on during my birthday, so I randomly decided to go my local theater; I love seeing movies on the big screen, and I live stupidly close to an AMC.

Like I really decided half way through that day that I would go see a movie, and seeing how nothing else was out, I decided to watch the one thing that I had heard good stuff about. I purposefully didn't look at rotten tomatoes or anything beforehand, or a trailer because I really wanted to go in blind.

It was a small/standard sized auditorium filled with just myself, one larger guy a few rows behind me at the back, and a couple about 3-4 rows ahead of me, since EEAAO had been out for awhile at this point.

I was really liking the movie about 1 hour/90 minutes in, but it wasn't until I began to love the film when Waymond's confession happened that made me tear up. From this point on I was on some thin eggshells from releasing the waterfall (Again, it was only me and 3 other people in the audience, so i didnt exactly have the anonymity of a large crowd).

There's a point in the movie where the film goes completely quiet to make a loud point, you could hear a pin drop at this point, and I swear I'm about to fucking lose it. You ever hear how quiet a theater is when the credits are over and everyone has left? It was that quiet. I, and I'm sure the rest of the theater, hear a sniffle from the guy in the back, and it's GG no re, the dam of tears and emotions break and everyone including myself is just bawling/sniffling and wiping tears (at again, the most quiet scene of the entire film).

That day, I walked out of that theater having felt my that soul had been reset. I had heard good things about this movie, but for it to have such a profound effect on me was a really touching and unforgettable moment. I'm really glad I got to see it that day, time, and place, with those same strangers. And it was a heavy reminder why I love going to the theater.


DanookOfTheNorth t1_ix84xli wrote

Watching the director's cut of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan on the big screen with my son. It was fun to see him experience Trek on the big screen for the first time, and we both got excited about seeing the changes in the director's cut.


Throwaway_Codex t1_ix854fe wrote

The Banshees of Inisherin was the best movie because I didn't have any expectations.

As far as the theater experience, the most unique was going to the Creepshow 40th anniversary last week which was followed by a Q&A moderated by Lori Cardille with Tom Savini, composer John Harrison (also a director, including of the "Dune" TV movie), and actor Marty Schiff (with other Romero-universe people, including his widow, in the audience).


Rickykkk t1_ix85ifa wrote

TAR for me.

Loved the nuanced character study of deeply complexed human being. Love how movie doesn’t not judge her character but rather invite us in. Movies like these don’t come too often unfortunately.


rekniht01 t1_ix87jaw wrote

The point where Evelyn has her realization about all iterations of Waymond was a gut punch to me. I could barely watch the rest of the movie through the tears.


rekniht01 t1_ix87m3o wrote


It was also the only movie I have seen in theaters this year.


zvchvryrtz t1_ix87q2g wrote

Probably NOPE / Tár / The Northman, in that order


Skyfryer t1_ix89zis wrote

Once it got the sequence in The Northman when they dance around the fire preparing for battle, I just remember feeling so in a state of wonder.

That feeling you get when you’re a kid watching a film, just being lost in a story and a world of someone else’s creation.

The visual storytelling and the audible journey the music and the sound design takes you on. Just an awesome cinematic experience.

You could tell Eggers was a big Conan fan too lol


floyd_sw_lock9477 t1_ix8a4pu wrote

Northman was great, and Jaws was amazing as well (my favorite movie).


bob1689321 t1_ix8awes wrote

Glass Onion for sure. Saw an early preview, the movie was a ton of fun and it was very cool knowing I was watching it early.


lucia-pacciola t1_ix8bnj8 wrote

Only film I saw in theaters in 2022 was Top Gun: Maverick.


calltheavengers5 t1_ix8cran wrote

The Batman. It was very very immersive. I felt like I was part of the story.


ICareAboutNihilism t1_ix8f4jw wrote

Interesting that nobody has said Dune. The movie was obviously shot for the big screen with those huge sweeping sets and landscapes, but the movie really felt like something was missing.


Lady_Disco_Sparkles t1_ix8gljz wrote

Everything Everywhere All At Once. Went with a friend, mostly blind, and I had the greatest time ! I haven’t laughed that hard in a movie theater in years. I had a blast.


Igai t1_ix8h2i4 wrote

Dune and Top Gun, cinema experience wise


Comic_Book_Reader t1_ix8m5i8 wrote

Top Gun: Maverick in 4DX. Boom.

Avatar rerelease, once again in 4DX. Even got two free tickets from the screening.

Nope, completely alone in the big ass auditorium.


McCabbe t1_ix8mh0q wrote

Decision To Leave


StupidFatPenguin t1_ix8o1cx wrote

I can't answer this but I can say my worst experience - watching the awful Thor Ragnorok directly beneath an air conditioning unit that was on full blast and where they only had salty popcorn left and the bathroom was locked for a refurbishment.


ViolentAmbassador t1_ix8o20a wrote

Seeing Terrifier 2 with a receptive audience is the most fun I've had in a theater this year.


sonder_ling t1_ix8vqnv wrote

Maverick, made for big screen, pure Entertainment


Whole-Manner-1559 t1_ix8xqnb wrote

RRR with 500 fans this summer was a religious experience!


Calhalen t1_ix938m3 wrote

Nope. Crowd was really into it and it was a great time


Oikkuli t1_ix99fsp wrote

I never went to see top gun so I can't compare the two, but mine was definitely also the northman. It was an utterly exhilerating, raw, human, beating heart of a movie. One of my best theatre experiences ever.


Small-Garbage-1233 t1_ix9a2tk wrote

The Batman on opening night was stellar. Packed IMAX theater.

Saw EEAAO fried.

The Menu. Never been so immersed for a film.


weareallpatriots t1_ix9m1hk wrote

Probably has to be Triangle of Sadness, as much as I enjoyed Top Gun. I snuck some booze into the theater which I haven't done since like...The Island, so it was extra fun. Jaws was also an incredible experience on IMAX.

EDIT: Man how could I forgot the re-release of Avatar in IMAX 3D? Gotta put that at #1. Mind-blowing.


BreadNervous6842 t1_ix9nh9s wrote

In my opinion "All Quiet On The Western Front" was an unreal experience. I had the chance to watch the movie in an arthouse theater one month before the Netflix release and I must say, this movie was made for the big screen!


qman3333 t1_ix9rupz wrote

Eeao I went to the imax early screening and the audience were laughing and we were all crying by the end of it


TheRealProtozoid t1_ix9s1wp wrote

Nightmare Alley, but honestly, most of the best movie experiences I had were at home watching old movies. My local cinema mostly plays the biggest blockbusters. They did play Everything Everywhere and Nightmare Alley, but mostly they just played Top Gun: Maverick for like six months, and a slew of superhero and children's films. I liked Nightmare Alley, Nope, and X. The Northman and Maverick looked good and were engaging but are pretty dumb, folks. Nightmare Alley was the only one of those I would call a great film. Maybe Everything Everywhere.

All the best movies right now are foreign films, indies, or streaming originals. I'm not excited for any studio films at the moment except mildly enthusiastic about Indy 5. If the studios collapsed tomorrow I wouldn't care, and movie theaters mostly exist for them.


No-Communication3048 t1_ix9wu4d wrote

I would say Avatar's rerelease in 3D might be my winner because it had such a huge impact for me and it was the first time I've seen a 3D film since 2017 and was so emotional that it made me cry for the first time in a theatre. 2nd place goes to Bullet Train as it truly made me crack up in many scenes and really didn't go off the rails (pun intended) with the experience. 3rd goes to Top Gun: Maverick as I didn't have as big of a reaction as the first 2 places, but did have chills in both the opening and when >!Val Kilmer shows up!<. Honorable Mentions go to The Bad Guys and DC League of Super-Pets as I got to watch both of them for free.


FeistyRush t1_ixa5y3v wrote

I saw Barbarian and Smile in theaters all by myself. Random weekday showings. I knew nothing about them going in (I try to do that w/ horror films/watch no trailers). Both had me so immersed in them and the fact I was in big empty theaters by myself, had me checking behind me a few times haha.


Dramageek_414 t1_ixadqf6 wrote

Facing Nolan. Brought angels and Astros fans together with mets and Rangers fans. Some new info and some old favorites.


CTeam19 t1_ixafxwx wrote

Black Panther 2. I swear you could hear a pin drop at the beginning. No body ate, drink, or moved till after the funeral scene it seemed.


mvpacker56 t1_ixagts5 wrote

David Bowie - Moonage Daydream. In..cred…a..ble


cinnapear t1_ixajv9f wrote

Everything Everywhere All At Once


Odd_Advance_6438 t1_ixak1c0 wrote

This might be an oddball one but I liked watching Ambulance in theaters. The first shootout had a real intensity to it with all the speakers


1inchwang t1_ixbl4ul wrote

Probably Smile but not because it was a good movie but because the theater messed up and played the first 10 minutes of Ticket to Paradise instead. It took us like 4 minutes for someone to say, "This isn't Smile right?"


freezingkiss t1_ixcyxxx wrote

Maverick for me too. My jaw was on the floor. Fantastic experience.