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lizzpop2003 t1_iyclvuj wrote

I disagree with the suggestion that watching the extended editions will make it better to you. The extended editions are wonderful for people who love the movies and want more of that world, but they don't add anything substantial that changes them in an appreciable manner. It's just more time in that world. There's a few scenes in them that are great but they don't really add anything, they more just accentuate what's already there.

If you don't like them, you don't like them, and that's all cool. But just from a technical standpoint they were groundbreaking films, and being filmed back to back gave them a narrative consistency that is hard to beat in any trilogy.


BenefitPale OP t1_iycmqeh wrote

Yeah that's what extended editions usually are. It's just more of the world so i thought it wasn't going to be much of a difference in terms of core story and characters.

I know it's from 2001 and I'm sure it has blown minds of people from that time but the test of time really shows in this one cause we've developed so much but it's still mind blowing that they shot this back to back.
