Submitted by evgbro t3_z5hn3h in movies

Hi. I have this movie on my mind, I'm pretty sure it's an early 2000s teen comedy where one of the opening scenes is a homage to Brad Gets Canned from Fast Time at Ridgemont High. There is also a part where one of the main characters friends steals receipts from a trash get I order to get some free food.

Does anyone know what movie I'm thinking off? All help is appreciated.



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[deleted] t1_ixw47i2 wrote

r/tipofmytongue might be a good place to post the question as well.

Edit: Lol, fuck me for trying to help. Keep the downvotes coming.


beatles42o t1_ixw49pa wrote

i vauguely remember that scene.

did they also have a scene were somebody stole food/drink from a vending machine with a paper bill that had tape on it?


beatles42o t1_ixw4x4b wrote

this was such a bad movie. as a kid growing up as a skateboarder. they made no good skateboarding movies.

everything extreme sports related was always more about a love story than skateboarding.

same thing with street dreams.


have_heart t1_ixxiyq8 wrote

Funny you say that because it was this and Tony Hawks Underground (and landing the tiniest ollie in my friends garage) that made me start skating. Obvi it didn’t take long for me to realize how elementary the skating was but it’s such a nostalgia piece for me. Plus the soundtrack is awesome


beatles42o t1_iy1vin8 wrote

oh yeah, it was def nice seeing skateboarders/skateboarding in a movie without us being used as an icon for a troublemaker.

that and outcold where the shit.

i remember the first thps got me skateboarding. graphics on the ps1 not to mention ancient TV we had. i thought all the intro videos and stuff were like CGI you know. ps1 magic.

after like, a couple years my dad was like "why dont yall ever try tricks on those things" we looked at my dad like he was crazy. few years later he like. drove us to another state to a skatepark like

"look at that guys" we lost our fucking minds.