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Mst3Kgf t1_iycsdz4 wrote

The actors would all agree. Douglas, Turner and DeVito all had the opportunity to do another sequel, but they decided to do "War of the Roses" instead. Smart choice.

It didn't help "Jewel" that Diane Thomas, writer of "Stone", died tragically in a car accident before she could have a crack at the sequel.


Corrosive-Knights t1_iyd9w66 wrote

Wow, wasn’t aware of what happened to Diane Thomas!

Such a shame, truly, as Romancing the Stone was such a unique adventure film!


brass_neck t1_iydy7j8 wrote

I just read her brief but interesting Wikipedia page. I'm a big fan of Romancing the Stone. Watched it as a child then re-watched it over lockdown and it held up really well in my opinion. She was clearly very well respected as a writer by some of the biggest Hollywood names at the time. I'd enjoy a respectful look at her sadly brief but interesting life (probably a 'based-on') in the form of a mini-series.


Jackieirish t1_iydnxom wrote

>died tragically in a car accident before she could have a crack at the sequel.

That wasn't it. She was busy writing Always and an early draft of Indiana Jones 3 while they were making Jewel, so I guess they must have just decided to give it to somebody else.

Not sure why I've been downvoted, but here you go:

["Thomas's death came six weeks before the sequel to Romancing the Stone, The Jewel of the Nile, was released."](

In other words, she was alive while they were making it, so they certainly had the screenplay long before her passing.
