ComfortableSuspect64 t1_iyb6fng wrote
Don't care
HalfwayPowerRiot t1_iyb6yvj wrote
That's cool. There are a lot of older films I'd love to see on the big screen.
IcedOfTheTea t1_iyb7465 wrote
I don't care that you don't care.
ComfortableSuspect64 t1_iyb77ei wrote
Haha good
DavefromKS t1_iyb7b2b wrote
NikinhoRobo t1_iyb7p15 wrote
Oicu-8-1-2 t1_iyb7pdf wrote
Not so wonderful after all
I_BUY_UNWANTED_GRAVY t1_iyb7ztk wrote
If you ever get a chance see Lawrence of Arabia in 70mm
DavefromKS t1_iyb8l66 wrote
But why?
Silent_HRH t1_iyba0hl wrote
It’s a Wonderful Bingemas staring Tim Meadows is so much funnier and will replace this classic over time.
Ajamantium t1_iybao6z wrote
Lawrence of Arabia is amazing on the big screen.
NikinhoRobo t1_iybatry wrote
I don't know it's a nice and classic movie
theytook-r-jobs t1_iybc4tu wrote
So people can watch it at the theatre.
HalfwayPowerRiot t1_iybcbyd wrote
Absolutely one on my list!
allmimsyburogrove t1_iybd75o wrote
interesting fact: when the film was released, conservatives and the FBI considered the film to be communist propaganda
cnygreen t1_iybe41w wrote
Are you asking why people enjoy going to a movie theater?
Internal_Pool_7760 t1_iybeer2 wrote
Fuck yeah!! We finally gonna get the mass shooting cut version?
DavefromKS t1_iybegln wrote
Just seems unnecessary
Schism213 t1_iybemjw wrote
Fathom Events is a scourge. Now that they have this locked up in an exclusive agreement for a few years, local single screen theatres can't book this classic. The single screen I'm at always has this play Saturday and Sunday morning on Thanksgiving weekend. Not this year though. A Christmas Story will also be locked into an exclusive agreement soon as well.
cnygreen t1_iybf6te wrote
All entertainment is technically unnecessary, right?
DavefromKS t1_iybf9wk wrote
BillMcCrearysStache t1_iybgbru wrote
I always thought it was funny how in the alternate reality part where George is running from the cop (bert or ernie I can’t remember which one was the cop) he just starts shooting at him even though there are so many bystanders close by lol
BillMcCrearysStache t1_iybgdii wrote
I watch this movie like 3-4 times every december, its just so good
JLDZYV t1_iybhyqz wrote
You sure? IAWL actually fell into the public domain decades ago because the studio forget to renew the copyright. Then because it was public domain, TV stations started playing it every year, bringing it back from obscurity and making it a popular classic.
Schism213 t1_iybiiqs wrote
We’ve always booked through Paramount and this year was told we had access through November 14 as it was being pulled that day.
Rhomega2 t1_iybix0c wrote
My local chain does Tuesday Night Classics.
Filmatic113 t1_iybjslt wrote
Awesome Sauce
Balmerhippie t1_iybpxpl wrote
They still do if you describe the plot
ADrizzleofHoneyy t1_iybqsxw wrote
Lol like Morbius, rerelease of a movie that didn’t do well because people “like” it now.
Yolandi2802 t1_iybxmm9 wrote
Ugh. Highly overrated movie.
Thejudojeff t1_iybyfr8 wrote
Makes me cry every goddamn time
QuebecQueefs t1_iyc0y6l wrote
I can’t even begin to unpack how fucking ludicrous this statement is. Dear lord. Maybe don’t speak about things you know nothing about?
tenderbuck t1_iyc3hcm wrote
I have to watch it alone. Love it so much, just the opening makes me tear up.
yankeeinexile t1_iyc6p79 wrote
One of my dads favorite movies. We went and saw it in a restored art-deco style theater from the '40s a few years back. Really hit the Christmas spot.
SpinCharm t1_iyc6qb7 wrote
Fun fact: Zuzu (Karolyn Grimes) is still alive and well. I emailed her back in the 90s before she undoubtedly had to cut off this new-fangled direct approach to tell her how wonderful I thought she was. We had a bit of back and forth for a short time.
I was overjoyed to discover that she’s still alive some 30 years later!
I still watch the movie every year. It’s not Christmas without it.
kpt_graubrot t1_iyco574 wrote
Wasn't it then discovered that the short story the movie was based on was still under copyright?
crystalistwo t1_iycrun2 wrote
If I remember, I think Universal discovered they owned music in the movie that's still under copyright, so the movie's not public domain anymore. It'll be public domain in 19 years.
Cursedbythedicegods t1_iyd0fv8 wrote
Unsure if it will have the alternate ending
DeckardsDark t1_iyd2a5i wrote
usually agree, but i feel like It's A Wonderful Life has to be watched at home cozied up on the couch with a nice fire going with an old fashioned in hand. preferably a blizzard going on outside too
aeternitatisdaedalus t1_iyd3vu9 wrote
Lol. I never saw that before. That was a lot of fun
ADrizzleofHoneyy t1_iyd4nfg wrote
I do know things, like how this movie absolutely bombed at box offices when it was shown originally, so nobody wanted to buy it, so it was free for tv execs to play on tv over and over and over, so people saw it over and over and over then decided it was tradition so suddenly it was good.
clockwork655 t1_iyd7gk7 wrote
The exorcist III should also be played in the same theaters
QuebecQueefs t1_iye072e wrote
And that makes this like Morbius how? Personally, I love this film, and millions of others do too. It doesn’t matter how it got here. For the record, they didn’t just make it free cause no one wanted it. A clerical error led to it entering the public domain. Then in ‘93 the courts removed it from public domain and returned it to Paramount.
ADrizzleofHoneyy t1_iye3crf wrote
They are just alike both are films that did terrible on the initial run and both got a rerelease in theaters. How about you take a chill pill and stop acting like I insulted your mother. It is a movie, I saw a similarity and I pointed it out. You can suck this movie off all you want that isn’t going to make it good.
QuebecQueefs t1_iye8j03 wrote
Now I see why you spend the bulk of your time in AITA.
ADrizzleofHoneyy t1_iye8odq wrote
Now I see that you have no taste and no life.
MovieNachos t1_iyf3lpu wrote
Ohhh so this is why I can't find it playing anywhere. My wife and I would see this every Christmas at our local small theater and suddenly it's impossible to find showtimes anywhere other than these two dates.
georgeststgeegland t1_iyf649l wrote
This is one of TCM's classics on the big screens. They've done To Kill a Mockingbird, Casablanca, In the Heat of the Night, Smoky and the Bandit...and others I can't remember in the past year. At least we have a national release for any classic movie. They are few and far between. If you don't have an arthouse theatre in your city this is your only chance to see a classic in a theatre.
No idea if fathom is evil or if this means they have an exclusive agreement.
nonresponsive t1_iyf76s9 wrote
Hmm, in a recent askreddit of asking which popular movie you've never seen, the most upvoted answer was, "It's a Wonderful Life".
And now an ad about it coming back to theatres.. how convenient? Well it got deleted, and it wasn't most upvoted.
WhereIsThatElephant t1_iyb4xnq wrote
...and then you go back home...