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AFakeInternetPersona t1_ixffdd2 wrote

She got into a car accident doing 65 on a highway with no drugs or alcohol in her system.

Making it seem like she was being reckless and got away with it is very disingenuous considering the authorities ruled it an accident.


TwistedCherry766 t1_ixfg4gj wrote

She ran into someone while SPEEDING and fucking killed them.

Sure dismiss it all you want but anyone else who’s not a celebrity would have gone to jail for years!

Fuck Brandy, and you for defending her


AFakeInternetPersona t1_ixg1pjc wrote

What part of 65mph on a highway didn't you read?!

The speed limit of the 405 freeway that Brandy crashed on was 65mph and just got reduced to 55mph in 2018. A full decade after Brandy crashed.

"Investigators ruled out alcohol and drugs as factors in the crash and say there was no evidence that Brandy, who was alone in her car, was using a cell phone or otherwise distracted."

You ever think that maybe the reason she didn't get charged or even arrested was that it was literally just an accident? She wasn't even speeding, she was literally following the exact limit.

But yeah, fuck me for actually doing research before spouting shit on internet forums.