LilChubbyCubby t1_ix9mp60 wrote
I thought this was a prequel to the movie “The Descendants” with George Clooney. I was very lost.
DepressiveNerd t1_ix9nu9b wrote
That’s were my mind went. That’s the movie that earned Dean Pelton from Community an Oscar.
xXTheFisterXx t1_ix9nx7b wrote
Visible-Awareness754 t1_ix9urt5 wrote
My mind went to “the descent” so no judgements here
closeface_ t1_ix9zjjr wrote
You better dean-lieve it!
korinthia t1_ixa4ssk wrote
Are you thinking of Aliyah?
thesnapening t1_ixa6ovc wrote
Was definitely brandy I remember cause they spelt it brandi instead of brandy which was odd as it was always spelt brandy in the moesha show.
Since I'm being downvoted clearly I'm the only one who remembers this for whatever reason.
[deleted] t1_ixan02u wrote
OneGoodRib t1_ixaqegs wrote
Oh the girl playing her daughter I can actually buy as being a combination of Brandy and Paolo Montalban's DNA.
ithinkther41am t1_ixbhf7d wrote
Yeah, this one is a series about the kids of a few classic Disney villains being allowed to attend the good guy school. It has Kathy Najimy as the Evil Queen from Snow White and Kristen Chenoweth as Maleficent.
I’ve never seen it, but I love the Bad Lip Reading version
smithee2001 t1_ixbvmm2 wrote
My favourite scene from the movie.
magick_68 t1_ixc5rj6 wrote
Oh no, we had to listen to the songs every day. They're not bad though, i mean WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE?
xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcd9d9 wrote
Queen of Mean from descendants 3 hits hard
magick_68 t1_ixcdide wrote
Yes it does. And "Do what you gotta do" is a great duet.
xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcdooz wrote
Speaking of incredible trilogies that the majority of adults missed out on, did you hit the Zombies train?
xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcdujh wrote
Arguably the best song in the entire series is Chillin’ Like a Villain with the best life lessons for any kid. “It’s really hard being something I’m not” “Well if you don’t, you’re gonna get us caught”
magick_68 t1_ixce1xw wrote
Of course i did.
xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcebdj wrote
Disneyland has Oogie Boogie Bash for halloween so we went as a werewolf and zombie. We were worried nobody would get it but we literally hadn’t even gotten in the entrance line before a dad just yelled “Z-BAND” and we ended up seeing a ton. Took a few hours to find an alien (she was like 10) from zombies 3 and her first response was so confidently claiming “IM ADDISON”. It was pretty great
magick_68 t1_ixcenfi wrote
My son went as Hades last Halloween, blue hair and all. Sadly no one got it, but "God of hell" was enough explanation for the kids to say "cool"
xXTheFisterXx t1_ixces5j wrote
Okay but real talk, why do Hades and Mel have such weird sexual tension in the third one? Their duet is one of the weirdest things
magick_68 t1_ixcizim wrote
I think your reading too much into it. But in hindsight it's a bit weird. Still a great duet though.
xXTheFisterXx t1_ixcl1fj wrote
I just want you to watch it one more time with that in mind and there is a lot of very close and interesting dancing and winking. Also when he whips out the tamborine and says let’s dance is the most cringe moment of the trilogy for me.
xxTheGoDxx t1_ixctyan wrote
> Are you thinking of Aliyah?
I literally confused the two and thought that must be some weird lost footage / CGI typ shit they are doing.
banjaxedbroken t1_ixd8xse wrote
I really enjoyed that movie.
Godzilla2000Zero t1_ixei43w wrote
I still remember her Cinderella with Whitney Houston such fond memories.
TwistedCherry766 t1_ixfc6p9 wrote
She killed someone and got away with it.
Fuck Brandy
AFakeInternetPersona t1_ixffdd2 wrote
She got into a car accident doing 65 on a highway with no drugs or alcohol in her system.
Making it seem like she was being reckless and got away with it is very disingenuous considering the authorities ruled it an accident.
TwistedCherry766 t1_ixfg4gj wrote
She ran into someone while SPEEDING and fucking killed them.
Sure dismiss it all you want but anyone else who’s not a celebrity would have gone to jail for years!
Fuck Brandy, and you for defending her
AFakeInternetPersona t1_ixg1pjc wrote
What part of 65mph on a highway didn't you read?!
The speed limit of the 405 freeway that Brandy crashed on was 65mph and just got reduced to 55mph in 2018. A full decade after Brandy crashed.
You ever think that maybe the reason she didn't get charged or even arrested was that it was literally just an accident? She wasn't even speeding, she was literally following the exact limit.
But yeah, fuck me for actually doing research before spouting shit on internet forums.
thesnapening t1_ix9csdc wrote
Wait what? I thought brandy dies before the pandemic.