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Heliumania t1_iyaf3h7 wrote

My girlfriend used to date her step-son, for like a year

Never had the occasion to share that information with anyone, and it’s kinda weird to know that I only have 2 or 3 degrees of separation with her (and Jean Todt, her partner, who is also a legend in is own field)


sylinmino t1_iydfkj4 wrote

>(and Jean Todt, her partner, who is also a legend in is own field)

This, plus her partnership with Richard Mille, plus her own reputation and stardom in her own right, is part of the reason she's such a natural in Crazy Rich Asians (and you can see it in the interviews around that movie). Many of the other actors may be "simulating" living in that ultra bougie culture, but Michelle Yeoh's legit been fully immersed in it in real life for a while too!

Also, helps that she acted her ass off in that movie. Her character was by far my favorite part of the movie (and I already really like the movie).