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chocolate_milk_dude t1_j2cccbo wrote

Jude Law plays such a good creep. And Daniel Craig plays such a good asshole.


UltraPromoman t1_j2ccldr wrote

It's also among the great comic/graphic novel movie adaptations too.


DickieGreenleaf84 t1_j2cct40 wrote

Jude Law is one of those "forgotten" greats. Rarely mentioned when someone asks for the best actors, but also regularly kicks arse. Playing opposite Michael Caine in the Sleuth remake was his best, imo, but yeah...never seen him make a mistep.


Spankywzl t1_j2cd0bb wrote

“Why are you always smiling?”

“Because it's all so fucking hysterical,”

The film is not without its charm, and Paul Newman is watchable at any point in his career. Perhaps audiences preferred Hanks in his Sleepless in Seattle type roles at this point in his career. IMO, he did a fine job in the role, and the film still stands up well today.


ViolentAmbassador t1_j2ce045 wrote

Fun fact - the son from the movie grew up to be the CWverse version of Superman. He's also awesome in Everybody Wants Some!!


Sekshual_Tyranosauce t1_j2cgc0g wrote

Absolutely. I think…and this is controversial I know…it’s one of the best American films I have ever seen. It has everything, and very well done.

It’s beautifully shot, written, acted, scored….everything.


TheClayroo t1_j2chktv wrote

One of the all time greatest films. It's one of the few movies I consider perfect.


beast_unique t1_j2ckipz wrote

They should make movies on the sequel comics too. Did 20th century fox buy rights for those too from DC.


ivemadeahugemissteak t1_j2cmpxe wrote

It’s such a great film. It reminds me of the Bronx Tale in regards to the father/son dynamic. Something about these films makes me feel nostalgic when I didn’t even live in that era.


FreeLook93 t1_j2crkdv wrote

Very solid movie. Easily my second favourite comic book movie gangster movie.


Fiyanggu t1_j2cy0l7 wrote

If you enjoy this movie, you should check out the manga, Lone Wolf and Cub. A lot of parallels between the two stories.


kaZZlimaXX t1_j2cy65g wrote

I have no shame in saying that the beautiful climax scene in the rain makes me cry a lot. It is just magic cinema!

"I'm glad it's you."


Ilovepickles11212 t1_j2d5wy6 wrote

Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like his receding hair line/hair loss pushed him out of the spotlight for the roles that he was traditionally cast in during the late 90s early mid 2000s

He’s given fantastic performances in almost everything I’ve seen him in


Vangaelis t1_j2e0ozm wrote

It’s honestly my favorite Hanks movie. So goddamned good.


OathOfFeanor t1_j2eb0uq wrote

I absolutely love this movie

It's John Wick but with a better story, with better characters, and with no sequels to ruin it


UltraPromoman t1_j2f5jm4 wrote

Yes it is. It didn't have the cast of heavy hitters that RTP has but it's a classic in it's own right. It's underrated and only started getting appropriate attention after it's theatrical run. RTP did have a sequel limited series, Road To Paradise.


Iyellkhan t1_j2fxhie wrote

its arguably cinematographer Conrad Hall's masterpiece