Arpeggiatewithme t1_j2ejjkb wrote
Avatar is a single man’s passion projects. Regardless of whether you like it, comparing it to a cash grab like transformers is unfair. James Cameron’s been writing the avatar scripts since the 90’s and is only making them out of his passion for filmmaking and the environmental message he hopes to share. Dude has enough money to chill for countless lifetimes. That’s why he’s great. In a 100 years, T2, Aliens, Titanic, AND Avatar will still be looked back on fondly and he’ll be remembered as one of the greats alongside all the names you mentioned, and I’m sure they’d all agree. Other filmmakers tend to love his work.
And as much as I dislike most of his moves, Micheal bay is a technically amazing filmmaker. He knows big action and explosions and more importantly how to shoot it well.
I love directors like Nolan and Lynch but you gotta realize there’s more than one type of film. The dark cerebral shit is great when your in the mood but a lot of the times I just wanna see pretty blue people swim with alien whale and be amazed.
Think of it like music, sometimes your in the mood for something sad and complex like a Radiohead song but other times you just wanna dance to some abba, or vibe to a beat. It’s all just different, not necessarily better or worse.
LA_viking t1_j2ewy01 wrote
> And as much as I dislike most of his moves, Micheal bay is a technically amazing filmmaker. He knows big action and explosions and more importantly how to shoot it well.
Going to respectfully disagree with this. I'm in the industry and I can't stand the way Bay shoots. The camera is too immersed in the action and so shaky you can barely tell what is happening. Plus he is the worst kind of person you can imagine. Total ego maniac and downright rude. His films are very difficult to work on.
Arpeggiatewithme t1_j2ezrc6 wrote
Yeah I bet he sucks in person, he seems like a tool but I kinda love his camerawork. I know it’s definitely not for everyone but I like how it grounds the CGI and special effects. I hate those big sweeping impossible CGI camera shots that are everywhere in marvel movies.
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