jstone233048 t1_j2by4df wrote
I have kids. I just go to IMDB and lookup what other countries rate the movie. I figure those countries governments are more functional and have ratings systems that aren’t as arbitrary and dumb as ours
Exploding_Antelope t1_j2chw35 wrote
Canada’s G/PG/14A/18A rating system is a lot better than the mess that’s going on in the states I find. To give an idea of what falls where in that system, my local big theatre has its currently running movies categorized like this:
G - Strange World, Puss in Boots
PG – Avatar, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Black Panther, Black Adam, A Man Called Otto
14A – The Whale, Violent Night, M3gan
18A – Babylon
crapusername47 t1_j2cyy3z wrote
In addition to /u/Exploding_Antelope ’s suggestion of the Canadian system, the British Board of Film Classification’s system is usually pretty good.
Uc - suitable for everyone but particularly suitable for very young children.
U - Suitable for all audiences. The original Star Wars trilogy all received a U certificate.
PG - Suitable for all audiences but younger children should be accompanied by an adult. Back to the Future received a PG certificate.
12A - Suitable for anyone above the age of 12. Children under 12 can view the film if accompanied by an adult. Every Marvel movie has received a 12A. This is pretty much the standard rating for all big blockbusters these days.
15 - Not suitable for anyone under the age of 15. Deadpool received a 15. The equivalent of a R.
18 - Not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. Robocop received a 18.
The R18 certificate also exists but no mainstream movie would ever be given one. There is also the E certificate but that’s for sports videos and other exempt content.
NorthernerWuwu t1_j2d2nzc wrote
Huh. Not that Robocop was exactly suitable for pre-teens or anything but I still wouldn't have thought it would be in the most-restricted category. Then again, I haven't seen it in ages.
crapusername47 t1_j2d411j wrote
Robocop predates the existence of the BBFC website so they don’t detail what exactly caused the decision but even a fraction of a second of 18-worthy content can cause a movie to receive that certificate.
The ED-209 scene and Murphy’s death are both scenes that would qualify.
The Terminator also received a 18 certificate with the BBFC also providing a list of cuts that could be made to reduce it to a 15. However, as time has gone on, the movie has been resubmitted and now carries a 15 certificate.
Star Wars: Episode II narrowly avoided going up to the old 12 certificate (nobody under the age of 12 permitted to attend) by trimming a fraction of a second where Obi-Wan headbutts Jango Fett.
You are able to resubmit a film multiple times and they eventually allowed the headbutt by the time the movie was released on Blu-Ray.
TIGHazard t1_j2d7fge wrote
> To mark the release of the reboot of Robocop, directed by Jose Padilha and classified 12A, we have opened the file on the original 1987 Paul Verhoeven-directed version.
> The BBFC first viewed the future of law enforcement in August 1987, and described it as "Iron Man meets The Six Million Dollar Man meets Judge Dredd."
> The violence and gore, in combination with scenes of drug use, pushed Robocop clearly into the 18 category in 1987. The strong comic book influence was recognised, as was the clear distinction between good and bad, with a hero "always on the side of right" giving the film "a firm moral base".
> The memorable scene in which Murphy (Peter Weller) meets his grisly death at the hands of Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith) and his crew is carefully considered, and one examiner notes that the "concentration on pain", plus the length of the scene, did give rise to thoughts of cuts. However, the clear delineation of heroes and villains, and the fact that Murphy 'survives' the attack, balances out the horror of the scene. There were also doubts about a later scene featuring the toxic, melting death of Antonowsky (Paul McCrane) as it seemed "nauseating" and "cruel". However, the gore was offset by going "so far as to become semi-comic". A scene of attempted rape is also noted, but its brevity combined with swift retribution, courtesy of Robocop, made the scene acceptable.
> Overall, the "slightly offbeat and tongue-in-cheek" tone of the film "serves to ameliorate the loving care and attention with which Verhoeven treats the violence." Robocop (1987) was passed 18 uncut for theatrical release, and all subsequent video, DVD and Blu-ray releases have been passed 18, uncut.
I love the BBFC, they even make the actual examiner reports available when they do these case studies.
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