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yoaver OP t1_j29uava wrote

There is no record of him being autistic, and many records of him being very social, which is uncommon for autistic people.

So there is no reason to assume he was autistic, let alone depict him as such in a movie.


st3akkn1fe t1_j29vo5d wrote

Yeah but autism and asperger's syndrome wasn't diagnosed until the mid 40s. The chances of Turing getting diagnosed or described as either is pretty slim.

I'm not well versed in the history of the guy but going off my FIL who is I assumed he was on the spectrum.


yoaver OP t1_j29yks4 wrote

So you assume an historical person you never met has autism becsuse for some reason he reminds you of your father in law wglhich you think may be on the spectrum?

You need to get out more.


st3akkn1fe t1_j29zeww wrote

No, you misread what I said. I said my FIL who has read a lot about Bletchley Park and worked with GCHQ seems to think that the movie didn't do a good job of showing how neuro diverse the code breakers were.

I said he seems to think that they were all pretty autistic. I then explained that Turing wouldn't have been diagnosed as the diagnosis was only coined in the 1940s and that it was a new field.

I would expect that if he was born today he would have been diagnosed early in life. Now, I don't know of this is the case or not but my FIL whoni saw the movie with and who is well educated on the subject matter seems to think so.
