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Starfleetmom t1_j29vgsp wrote

Greatest Showman. But it’s got great musical numbers!


yoaver OP t1_j29y0hh wrote

And it could've been great if they just invented a character instead of using the name of a real life asshole.

PT Barnum was a horrible man.


vainbetrayal t1_j2a0v5r wrote

Did you expect any less in a movie about a guy who coined the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute?"

Always found it ironic the circus shut down for good the same year this movie came out.


Starfleetmom t1_j2a3ejj wrote

I’ve been saying that since I saw the movie in the theater. It’s a great uplifting story about acceptance and inclusion with a talented cast and excellent music and dancing. But why the fuck make it about a real life asshole?