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thanosthumb t1_j218m5w wrote

Maybe they are. That doesn’t make it ok. The target audience is not 13 when the movie is rated R. People get sliced open, one guy gets shot in the throat and bleed’s out with a gurgle, a man’s head is blown off, and they say “fuck” more than most other movies I’ve seen today. Idk why the original commenter thought the target audience being youngsters was a valid statement.


inkscraper OP t1_j21ejdz wrote

When I finally watched the movie with my son I was shocked his grandmother had taken him to see the movie. She didn't know anything about it. There are a lot of curse words and gore and he told me he hears the same at school, we just don't talk that way at home.


rynodawg t1_j22b1pk wrote

Geez, I made the comment in jest, but teenage boys love movies like Bullet Train. It’s nothing new. When I was 13 my friends and I loved Predator, Aliens, Full Metal Jacket, etc. Now teenagers love John Wick, play Call of Duty, etc. They will turn out OK still.


CritikillNick t1_j219wjn wrote

13 isn’t even young, in four years they’ll be getting ready to pay rent. They’ve already seen all that on daytime tv, nobody gives two fucks about curse words anymore because they don’t matter and are the same as every other word, get over yourself lol.
