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Bushgjl t1_j298akb wrote

Luke finding his dead Uncle and Aunt is hilarious to me. Just the complete lack of reaction and he leaves with "There's nothing here for me now".

He doesn't even bother to bury them, like literally the Jawas killed by Stormtroopers got a better burial than the people who raised him did. He was more sad when Obi-Wan died(who he just met)


Intelligent_Be OP t1_j29b402 wrote

That bothered me the first time watching the original Star Wars actually.

You’d think they would have had a scene of Luke burying them and then Obi-Wan would tell him something like “Bruh, the Jawas are still here, you wanna be burnt toast too? Let’s get the hell outta here.”

Was probably because of pacing and wanting to keep the plot moving as to why Luke seemingly got over their deaths quickly.


APiousCultist t1_j29b6i9 wrote

Pretty sure he does bury them or at least create a funeral pyre, though it may be a deleted scene or content added to a book - it's been over a decade since I've watched it. He's also not reacting because he's stunned and shellshocked. Not everyone's reaction to horror is "Oh my god, nooooooo! sobsobsob"