Submitted by Intelligent_Be t3_zz3mu2 in movies
Submitted by Intelligent_Be t3_zz3mu2 in movies
Luke finding his dead Uncle and Aunt is hilarious to me. Just the complete lack of reaction and he leaves with "There's nothing here for me now".
He doesn't even bother to bury them, like literally the Jawas killed by Stormtroopers got a better burial than the people who raised him did. He was more sad when Obi-Wan died(who he just met)
I agree. The OT has some pretty bad acting. Except for Harrison Ford. Mark and Carrie dont get good till Return of The Jedi.
The dialogue was pretty corny in the first film for sure. It gets better in ESB and ROTJ.
I disagree. I think all those lines were intentional. I don't feel like any lines were unintentionally funny.
I laughed hard at Vader's "Take her away!"
Luke’s lines in the garbage smasher cracks me up too
Comes back to the 'ol Harrison Ford "You can type this shit, but you sure can't say it! Move your mouth when you're typing!"
That’s what I’ve heard too
That bothered me the first time watching the original Star Wars actually.
You’d think they would have had a scene of Luke burying them and then Obi-Wan would tell him something like “Bruh, the Jawas are still here, you wanna be burnt toast too? Let’s get the hell outta here.”
Was probably because of pacing and wanting to keep the plot moving as to why Luke seemingly got over their deaths quickly.
Pretty sure he does bury them or at least create a funeral pyre, though it may be a deleted scene or content added to a book - it's been over a decade since I've watched it. He's also not reacting because he's stunned and shellshocked. Not everyone's reaction to horror is "Oh my god, nooooooo! sobsobsob"
Harrison Ford imo was the best part of the OT and Force Awakens.
I found Luke really annoying but kind of funny in New Hope. He gets better in ESB and RotJ though I still found his “’s not true!” line to be fucking hilarious because Hamill looks like he’s trying to imitate a hamster with nuts in his cheeks. I don’t know 😂
I thought Carrie Fisher was fine with what she was given.
It’s possible it was intentional. I know it was inspired by old Flash Gorden serials from the 30s and 40s, which were probably pretty campy.
“But their gonna kill her!”
“I don’t have to see it. I was there man.”
Yeah, that was intentional.
You find "who's scruffy looking?" to be unintentionally funny? Do you find stand-up comedy unintentionally funny too? lol
Imagine what the first or second draft of what Lucas came up with sounded like...
That screenplay was poured over and revised (uncredited) by guys like Paul Schrader and Brian DePalma on casual weekend get-togethers. Plus the production was behind schedule, so they were forced to go with a lot of questionable takes from actors to keep things moving along and not go further into the red.
I actually think this is why the original trilogy works best. It’s very comedic but there’s not a ton of in your face jokes or puns or one liners.
Obviously there’s the odd delivery of weird lines you mentioned. But lines like “who’s scruffy looking?” Or “laugh it up fuzz ball” or even the way yoda feigns being an old senile creature to test Luke’s patience, these are all unintentionally funny. For example, who’s scruffy looking fits the solo character perfectly as he’s very image obsessed, very suave. When he calls chewie a fuzz ball it makes sense that that would be an insult you would pull out of thin air. Yoda being a weird crazy old guy also fits the bill as he’s intentionally doing it to see if Luke will grow impatient and angry, signs that he could be destined for the dark side like his father.
The new sequel trilogy misses the point entirely and that’s why the comedy seems so off in comparison. Lots of little one liners and stuff that don’t work like Finn saying “let’s go chrome dome”. Or when every character one after the other goes “stormtroopers can fly now!?!? They can fly now? They fly now!?” (Btw, storm troopers and clone troopers have always had jet packs in the other cannon media so it makes no sense that they wouldn’t know this. Especially Finn who was a trooper hinself). It’s also why yoda laughing like a maniac when the tree burns feels out of place. Yoda wouldn’t behave that way. He’s reverting to that crazy old man mentality which doesn’t make sense as that was only a ruse to test luke.
Opinions man. Everyone has them.
😂😂😂😂 that part always kills me.
I pretty much agree with what you’re saying.
I found Yoda hilarious with him basically trolling Luke to test him. “Mine! Or I will help you not!”
Original draft probably resembled the prequels dialogue wise, with more political emphasis.
Except that's not an opinion. It's a fact that they intended humor with that line.
I guess. Poor wording on my part.
spo96 t1_j297sqq wrote
The power converters line has been memed to death by the fandom. But that said, the campiness and over-the-top nature of the dialogue and the acting is the point. It was intended to be reminiscent of pulp fiction serials like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon.