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Cmondatown t1_j1687dq wrote

Is that supposed to be a benchmark of goodness? Both were bad but his was so, so terrible.


Smallest-Yeet t1_j16be2v wrote

I mean Ragnorak was definitely a fun watch. Especially at the time before every marvel movie became a cheap slapstick comedy. L&T is just a chore to watch though


DrKurgan t1_j16d4ic wrote

IMO Ragnarok is the best Thor, the first one is boring, the 2nd is even more boring (one of the most boring movie I watched, even the actors looked bored). I haven't watched L&T since I heard it's terrible.


TheIncredibleDjango t1_j17sik4 wrote

Ragnarok is dope this group think hipster historical revisionism is so fucken stupid