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mikeyfreshh t1_j6n2zsj wrote

Based on some half-assed googling, it would appear no movie has ever been nominated for best picture at the Oscars and favorite movie at the Kids Choice Awards before this year. Avatar and Top Gun both did it this year. That's kinda weird


OneManFreakShow t1_j6n4mht wrote

Looks like Black Panther would likely have been the first, but it is interesting that two have crossed over this year.


hatramroany t1_j6na5n0 wrote

Titanic was not only nominated for both but also won both


TittySuckBootyFuck t1_j6oalrj wrote

Titanic was nominated for a Kid’s Choice Award??


hatramroany t1_j6obh6t wrote

Yup, it’s rated PG-13. You should look at some of other the early nominees, plenty of rated R movies in there like Boyz n the Hood and Speed


omart3 t1_j6n49zg wrote

Both movies did a really good job at mass appeal.