mikeyfreshh t1_j6jbzb4 wrote
Hey man, you don't need to post an increasingly unhinged and incoherent rant about Avatar every day. You can turn off your computer and go outside. I promise you won't die from touching grass
fart-debris t1_j6jc716 wrote
Jesus Christ, this dipshit has been posting this self-indulgent jerkoff bullshit every day?
Owasso_Landman t1_j6jceuz wrote
Sometimes multiple times a day
fart-debris t1_j6jcmua wrote
Report him and move on, then.
Hopefully the more he shotguns the subreddit with this shit the faster he gets permabanned.
SadUSee t1_j6jd5r0 wrote
Do you guys follow anything besides my movie reviews? I would hate to deprive you of something you enjoy so much.
fart-debris t1_j6jd99c wrote
Shut the fuck up, Donnie.
SadUSee t1_j6jcgsp wrote
Avatar: it's not you, it's me
Around hour 1, when we finally made it to the beach, I realized something. This was going to be a long ass movie.
Let me break down a scene for you.
The villain is supposed to be interesting right? A combination of both his past self, and a new reborn person. So when he finds his dead body, is he alone, or is he paling around with his buddies?
Do we see his face on full frame. Do we see his reaction, besides what a rushed comic panel would show?
No, we don't. We are starved of character development.
And you deserved more than a story about family sticking together. You deserved something that made you curious about who these people are. You just spent 3 hours with strangers. You know everything about what they did, but nothing about why they did it.
And when they don't let me meet the characters, I don't care when they threaten their lives. This isn't sports. I don't have a team to cheer for.
Owasso_Landman t1_j6jch8f wrote
Dude is off his meds
SadUSee t1_j6jctcr wrote
Yeah, he's nuts.
SadUSee t1_j6jc51v wrote
Oh man, I hate when I'm incoherent. Maybe it'll be clearer tomorrow.
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