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MartinScorsese t1_j6n4x1v wrote

Most streaming documentaries nowadays. They like to pad out true crime stories into nonfiction miniseries, when a feature-length film is enough time to tell the story.


antonimbus OP t1_j6n568n wrote

Lets call it the podcastification of documentary films into tv series.


Misdirected_Colors t1_j6okdc3 wrote

I've gotten to the point where if the trailer grabs my interest I just read the wikipedia synopsis on what happened and I'm good lol. Some of those documentaries could have been an e-mail.


89colbert t1_j6ocvq3 wrote

This is partially why I love Unsolved Mysteries more than most of these other series


Tacky-Terangreal t1_j6ouoi0 wrote

Don’t you love it when the entire first episode of a true crime series is devoted to moody establishing shots and interviews with people saying how bad that thing was? Who needs to know what the show is even about?