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SandmanAlcatraz t1_j6j1aoi wrote

That's Mac & Me, which is also an ET knockoff.

ET was popular enough to have multiple knockoffs, which isn't uncommon.

Take these Star Wars knockoffs for example:

MST3K had an episode with yet another ET knockoff: 1983's Pod People (also known as Extra Terrestrial Visitors or The New Extraterrestrials)


opiate_lifer t1_j6jmg27 wrote

FWIW Battle Beyond The Stars is a ton of cheesy fun! Not even so bad its good, its just fun and enjoyable.


psdpro7 t1_j6lj84r wrote

MST3K has done three ET knockoffs now, "Pod People, "Mac & Me," and just this past year "Munchie."


jpj007 t1_j6mki7m wrote

Munchie is an insane fever dream of a movie, but it's not an ET knockoff.


go222 t1_j6o1rxh wrote

Battle Beyond the Stars probably got made because of the success of Star Wars, but the story is a rip-off of Seven Samuri. Other movies that borrowed from Seven Samuri include

-The Magnificent Seven (and rides again)

-Bugs Life

Given how good some of these are and how poor Battle Beyond the Stars is, it depends on quality which is a rip-off and which are just remakes.