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Klotzster t1_j6lfoje wrote

My problem with the movie, is that I wanted to see his first interactions with the rescue crew, but they jumped right past that to the airport


Daggmaskar t1_j6lm5ik wrote

Yeah that's the only gripe I have with the movie but I guess it's understandable. It doesn't seem very long because the story is so engaging but it's 2 hour and 28 minutes, at a certain point you just gotta trim the fat from the script. And a scene with his rescuers probably wouldn't have accomplished anything that the scene onboard the private jet talking with his old friend/colleague didn't.


tronaldmcdump t1_j6mtdaj wrote

"Thank you for saving me! Dude, did you see that fucking whale?"


stumblebreak_beta t1_j6oiobg wrote

The character was dehydrated, starving, sunburnt and barely alive. So I gotta imagine it would be some sailors (maybe that don’t speak English) standing over a withered guy who could maybe give a few grunts before he was taken to the med bay. Maybe a first time waking up in a bed and seeing someone could have been an emotional scene but would probably not have been better than any of the others that happened after.


Keudn883 t1_j6o0fva wrote

You do see a photo of him posing on what appears to be the deck of the ship that picked him up. He is wearing a jumpsuit that matches what the crew is wearing. I always assumed that was the crew of the ship that picked him up.