Submitted by Movie_Advance_101 t3_10pdj2d in movies

If you like or loved the movie don't take this post as an insult. The first movie chef kiss. Man betrays human race so he can clap alien cheeks.

And then they made this movie a recycled Script of the old one because i guess they thought viewers are goldfish. they wasted a good plot. The plot of the first Avatar surrounded the RDA needing to mine special rocks of Pandora that they dubbed "Unobtainium," yet it's never brought up even one time in Way of Water; having instead been replaced with a new MacGuffin in the form of a Tulkun body liquid that was discovered to help people live longer. Along with viewers finding it odd that the Unobtainium rocks are just completely glossed over and forgotten about, it's also viewed as a waste to those who wanted to know more about why the rock MacGuffin was so important. the movie pacing becomes fast in the start the becomes slower as they go on. Now i am gonna talk about some good stuff, the film's visuals some of the most dazzling, vibrant, and gorgeous images ever seen on screen.



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magus-21 t1_j6js75f wrote

It would've been a better movie if Jake had died and Neytiri was left to lead the family and the tribes.

The vendetta storyline would have worked even better because it was Neytiri who originally killed Quaritch. There was literally no reason to make Jake the hero again.


GhostofAugustWest t1_j6jsi7z wrote

Agreed. I thought Cameron spent too much time showing off his cool CGI without advancing the story.


DKLancer t1_j6jsscv wrote

The movie felt like it lost the plot in the second act with James Cameron's Sci-Fi Ocean Documentary.

gorgous movie to look at, but it could have lost an hour of runtime and nothing of value would have been lost and the movie would be better for it.


sociable_autist t1_j6jtaj8 wrote

I liked the movie, but I respect the opinion. If anything, I would've maybe shaved some time off of the tulkun-hunting scene.


HorizonZeroFucks t1_j6jtgau wrote

The continual jumping between different frame rates drove me insane. That and you could have removed most of the second act and it would have been much better for it.


hooman260 t1_j6jtn9s wrote

I'm not saying your wrong, but i doubt many people go to watch Avatar expecting an exceptional story. It did drag on a bit though.


eec-gray t1_j6jtygg wrote

It didn't need to be 3 hours long that's for sure. Should have been a tight 100-120 mins


Jim-Bowen t1_j6jtyhf wrote

Unobtanium sweapt to one side as it was explained earth was dying so they're preparing for mass migration to Pandora. No need to mine unobtanium now.


SenatorAstronomer t1_j6ju2l5 wrote

I thought it was a little long and the plot wasn't overly deep, but boring is one of the last words I would describe the film.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6ju54n wrote

It's so weird to hear your criticism given that you are a Marvel / Superhero fan

Like I can understand not liking Avatar 2, but at least it's leagues better than any MCU dogshit. I don't get how you can eat up that comic book junk, but then have this critical mindset for another blockbuster. I mean at least Avatar is a visual aesthetics masterpiece, superhero movies don't even have that going for them..


vladivan t1_j6ju6hb wrote

A planet can have more than one resource. Unobtanium was the least interesting part if avatar imo. I thought it was annoying that every conflict was caused by the kids getting captured. It happens like 4 times.


PsychedelicUniverse t1_j6ju8zn wrote

The main mindset that I came out with after I finished it was, is that what we’ve been waiting for for the last 13 years?


Movie_Advance_101 OP t1_j6juqyo wrote

I gotta stop you right there. Many superhero movies, especially sequels, put emphasis on action set pieces and cramming in as many characters as possible. MCU films manage to do both of these things, but they don’t use CGI blockbuster directors like Michael Bay or Zack Snyder.
They choose smart directors/writers who focus on character and plot, and support them with a CGI crash-course to teach them what they don’t know. It pays off, resulting in a much more sustainable and marketable product with higher average quality than the superhero genre.


hung__sheldon t1_j6jv43x wrote

From the perspective of someone who didn’t watch it: the trailers make it pretty clear that you’re going to see something cool and that plot is an afterthought.

Not sure what you were expecting.


MASSIVE_BRAIN_DAMAGE t1_j6jvcvl wrote

I saw this in the theater and came away feeling the same way. Back when the first movie came out the CGI was like nothing we'd seen before, so he could have got away with a mediocre plot if he wanted - but the plot was actually pretty decent too.

The Way of Water just felt like the first movie all over again, just in the ocean. The same humans want to invade the same planet and fight the same aliens with the same weapons. The same bad guy fights the same good guy. It's a rehash with very little originality to differentiate it from the first.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6jvrgd wrote

Dude give me a break, MCU movies are essentially just cheap trash when it comes to characters and plot. They all follow the same general plot formula, and the characters are mostly just the same unfunny quip machines. The movies don't have any thematic depth to them, they are corny, and overall designed to appeal to kids and teenagers. Don't pretend that these movies are something they are not. They are silly movies about Superheroes fighting bad guys. There's nothing wrong with that if that's what you're into, but don't pretend it's high quality cinema.


ashinaclan123 t1_j6jw8wx wrote

I love how the mods allow posts like this but not the positive posts about avatar lol


bgva t1_j6jw96t wrote

I remember looking at my watch in the theater, saw it was at least an hour left, and muttered to myself "Fuck." Visually the movie was beautiful, but they absolutely could've cut at least 45 minutes.

But I think I'm just getting old because I believe a lot of recent movies are about 30-45 minutes too long.


ashinaclan123 t1_j6jwg7x wrote

Here is the disconnect, MCU movies have shitty stories and characters lol. I can agree that avatar was bland, what I can’t understand is how someone thinks avatar is bland but the mcu isn’t. The mcu is even worse when it comes to that stuff.


HardSteelRain t1_j6jwp06 wrote

I'd just as soon watch a pretty Screensaver for 3 hours and save my money


EnhancerSpecialist t1_j6jwuii wrote

I didn't like the original either and honestly don't understand how everybody manages to watch them

It's just pocahontas in space, and pocahontas sucks


magus-21 t1_j6jx4ok wrote

Watching the MCU is more like watching a big budget TV show than a typical movie franchise. If you don't pay attention to the continuity, you won't get anything out of it but the explosions and lasers (which is perfectly fine).

They aren't dense films by any means (a single Oscarbait dramatic film will accomplish more character development and thematic layering than half a dozen MCU sequels), but taken altogether they are far from shallow or meaningless.


generic_user023123 t1_j6jy4xj wrote

I can’t say of all the questions I had, the Rocks were up in the top 10. With that said the second act dragged a little longer than was probably necessary.


sw_fan_for_life_ t1_j6jz2ki wrote

you guys still don't get the role of this movie in terms of plot. It's meant to be an introduction like the first. The 3rd movie and afterwards will be the bread and butter of the series. Although AWOTW was still very good.


Chamber53 t1_j6jzcbp wrote

This, it was literally a recycled story…RECYCLED from part 1 AND part 1 was already a recycled story!! Dances with wolves, Pocahontas, The Last Samurai. The only difference, instead of the outsider being one individual now the outsider is a family being ridiculed and then accepted into the tribe. 🤦‍♂️


catcodex t1_j6jzyzo wrote

While most of the visuals were fun to watch, the constant use of "bro" in the dialogue was distracting. I guess he was showing that cultures all act the same, with teenagers having beefs with each other ("It's called a punch, b*tch"), but I feel like I've seen that dynamic a million times on film before.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6k031u wrote

I'm sorry but yes they absolutely are shallow and meaningless. They are assembly line produced movies meant for kids and teenagers. If you like them that's cool, but don't pretend they are something they aren't.

Also you act like there's some grand narrative to the whole thing, when in reality it's just like 30 repetitive movies that are essentially the same thing as the last one. Good super hero vs big bad super villain. CGI battle. That's about the extent of it. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all


HeBoughtALot t1_j6k098v wrote

Everyone has a sphincter. No need to announce it.


Hotdog_Ketchup t1_j6k136f wrote

The particulars of the resource in question are not as important as what it represents, which is unfettered expansion, consumption, conquering the untamed stars because humanity has used up too much of Earth. The themes of the film are broad, but that is exactly what Cameron is trying to accomplish, make spanning, universal stories.

The comments here saying that the film is "too long" and how much of it "doesn't advance the story" are frankly depressing. Cameron respects his audience enough to let the film breathe, to have the viewer really feel the spectacle. He doesn't spend a decade on CG tech to stroke his own dick, he does it so that his story has a soul. The beauty of Pandora's oceans is not "showing off", it's critical to the essence of the film.


GlockGuy- t1_j6k15s5 wrote

You know what was boring? Avengers End Game.


dafunkmunk t1_j6k1760 wrote

You mean he literally just did the exact same thing as he did with the first one? Apparently he was smart enough to realize he needed to wait over 10 years before making this movie so people will have forgotten everything and not shit on the movie for failing to have any meaningful story again


HEHEHO2022 t1_j6k1vsa wrote

both of them are. the effects only take it so far


callipygiancultist t1_j6k2wap wrote

Media literacy is dead, and people can’t enjoy visual splendor and visual storytelling anymore apparently. Classic storytelling is to be picked apart and deconstructed. The only important thing is “plot” and cramming as much into every scene as possible so there’s no possibility of lingering in uncomfortable emotions.

Modern directors are like “Oh no, the audiences are having a genuine emotional experience, quick, throw in some quips or some back door pilot or some fan service shit!”


magus-21 t1_j6k3jkw wrote

>If you like them that's cool, but don't pretend they are something they aren't.

I'm not. You're pretending that they aren't something that they are.

>Also you act like there's some grand narrative to the whole thing

They have as much of a "grand narrative" as any ongoing, open-ended TV series. Which is to say, they may not have a fixed "grand narrative," but they do pay attention to continuity, and the characters and storylines develop within that continuity. Which is why if you don't pay attention to continuity, you won't get anything out of it, and you clearly don't.


ZhugeSimp t1_j6k6d1o wrote

Tbh I was rooting for the human side, they showed so much innovation and persistence. Meanwhile Jake sully is a species traitor who would rather all of humanity perish for his blue ass, even though he himself is a fake.


TrickNatural t1_j6k7rpd wrote

A reasonable and agreeable opinion. But I also think it was expected, much like the first one, the story is not really the selling point, the visual spectacle is.


Knickerbockers-94 t1_j6k8jid wrote

A Marvel fanboy venting about Avatar on Reddit.

Want a cookie or sumn?


The_ZombyWoof t1_j6kaop2 wrote

Yeah well, ya know, that's just, like uh, your opinion, man.


magus-21 t1_j6kb0cw wrote

Good lord, you can't even read past one sentence. No wonder you can't follow the continuity.

Here it is again: "Which is to say, they may not have a fixed 'grand narrative,' but they do pay attention to continuity, and the characters and storylines develop within that continuity."


magus-21 t1_j6kb59a wrote

Good thing the MCU doesn't have complicated plotting. They just follow their own continuity and develop the characters from what came before.

Weird how you don't seem to understand the difference.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kbl78 wrote

There is no real continuity, all it is is retelling the same basic story over and over again in every movie. You don't have to follow all the MCU movies to be able to watch any one of them. You can watch them out of order. They are designed this way


magus-21 t1_j6kcd0i wrote

>There is no real continuity, all it is is retelling the same basic story over and over again in every movie

Thank you for proving that you can't follow the continuity.

I already knew you couldn't, but you just confirmed it.

>You don't have to follow all the MCU movies to be able to watch any one of them. You can watch them out of order. They are designed this way

Wrong. They are designed so that they are enjoyable if you watch them individually. But if you watch them sequentially, in the order they came out, and you remember what happened before, then you will be rewarded with developing character arcs, relationships, worldbuilding, etc.

The fact that you don't know this (and won't even consider it) tells me you never even gave it a chance, you never will give it a chance, and you're upset that so many people enjoy something that you, for some reason, can't.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kd2js wrote

Not sure why you are being so defensive of this children's movie franchise

I'm sorry but you're just incorrect, the MCU is nothing more than a repetitive cash cow where they crank out the same basic movie over and over again. There is no overall story to it or any larger purpose other than to make money and sell merchandise, hence there is no real continuity.


Shitty_Cunt_Fucker t1_j6kdfkj wrote

Most people I talk to don't feel the same, but I was very bored for a good 60% of the movie


magus-21 t1_j6keav2 wrote

>Not sure why you are being so defensive of this children's movie franchise

I respond poorly to snobbery, especially when it's unjustified.

The real question is, why are YOU so insistent on saying it's dogshit when you clearly don't even watch it?

>I'm sorry but you're just incorrect

I'm sorry but I'm not. Yes, it's a cash cow, and yes, it's meant to print money and sell merchandise, but the reason it does so with such success is because everything you said about it is wrong.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6ken5s wrote

I never said you shouldn't enjoy the superhero movies if that's your thing, just don't pretend they are something they are not.

There is zero value to watching all the MCU movies as if they are a tv show, because there is no overall story or purpose to them.


magus-21 t1_j6kf3k0 wrote

>I never said you shouldn't enjoy the superhero movies if that's your thing,

No, you just called it dogshit and brought it up as such in a thread that had nothing to do with it, solely because you peeked at the OP's posting history and got triggered that he was an MCU fan.

That's TOTALLY not snobbery. No sirree.

>just don't pretend they are something they are not.

I'm not. You are, and for what reason? None, except that for some reason you can't follow a few "simple" movies.

>There is zero value to watching all the MCU movies as if they are a tv show, because there is no overall story or purpose to them.

Oh, of course there is, because people do. Just because you for some reason can't follow it past a single episode doesn't mean other people can't, either. In fact, the value in treating it as a series is pretty evident in its success.


stunkdunkly t1_j6kf3v3 wrote

No need to be defensive. To say that a person needs to be paying special attention to the continuity of this very long series of movies or they “won’t get anything out of them” is to say that there is something complicated about the way they tell their stories. It also isn’t an argument against the notion that they’re shallow.


jfstompers t1_j6kg2xp wrote

It's a bit long and every plot point is by the numbers but it's at least entertaining. It's not challenging Cinema it's just sit there and enjoy for a bit.


magus-21 t1_j6kg6aw wrote

>To say that a person needs to be paying special attention to the continuity of this very long series of movies or they “won’t get anything out of them” is to say that there is something complicated about the way they tell their stories.

First of all, that is not the same as "complicated plotting."

Second, no I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you can derive enjoyment in different ways. You CAN enjoy them just as simple action movies, or you can enjoy the interconnectedness of the whole series in addition to their appeal as action movies. Hence why I compared it to a TV show rather than a bunch of movies.


magus-21 t1_j6khse9 wrote

That is like asking, "What is the overall story of Star Trek?"

The answer is the same: it's an ongoing series that follows the adventures of a cast of characters that evolve and change over time.

Hence what I said before: "Which is to say, they may not have a fixed 'grand narrative,' but they do pay attention to continuity, and the characters and storylines develop within that continuity."

You are acting as if the only stories worth telling are the ones that need to revolve around a central plot, as if it's the plot that matters and not the characters that drive it.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kiue1 wrote

It's just the same "adventure" in every single movie. Introduce new generic big bad guy, heroes get into cgi fight with big bad guy, heroes win, rinse and repeat. There is zero reason to follow these movies in order.

Meanwhile 90% of the characters are just the same generic quip machine, there is not a single interesting character in the MCU


magus-21 t1_j6kka5u wrote

Pick a character, and follow how they change through the movies and TV shows.

The most obvious one is Iron Man, since he was the de facto protagonist of the MCU until Endgame. His PTSD from Avengers causes him to create Ultron in Avengers 2. His guilt over creating Ultron compelled him to sign the Sokovia Accords and cause the disbanding of the Avengers, which leaves Earth vulnerable to Thanos. His compulsion to treat consequences as problems to be solved with engineering results in ever greater consequences, until he comes up on one problem whose only solution is self-sacrifice, which calls back to and resolves the arc that started with Captain America's original evaluation of his character in Avengers: "You're not the type to make the sacrifice play."

It remains to be seen whether there will be similar driving forces for the post-Endgame MCU. I'm withholding my judgment on that. But acting as if there aren't any recurring themes or character beats in the MCU is stupid, because it is literally what keeps people coming back to it.


magus-21 t1_j6klqk5 wrote

>It's just the same "adventure" in every single movie. Introduce new generic big bad guy, heroes get into cgi fight with big bad guy, heroes win, rinse and repeat. There is zero reason to follow these movies in order

This sounds more like you making an excuse for your inability to follow anything past a single movie. Sorry, that's your own fault, not anyone else's, especially not the MCU's.

Each movie might use the same three-act formula, but the characters change, and when characters change, the story changes. Which is again why I compare it to a TV series like Star Trek.

>Meanwhile 90% of the characters are just the same generic quip machine, there is not a single interesting character in the MCU

Every character looks one dimensional if you don't have the attention span to connect even just two movies together compared to when you do.


Literally your whole posting history (at least recently) is just you shitting on other people for the movies they like, and not just the MCU. I hope that you one day learn to enjoy a movie without putting others down.


stunkdunkly t1_j6knzfd wrote

Where did I imply that there aren’t recurring themes or character beats? And what have they been doing for the last 4 years if “similar driving forces” haven’t materialized in any meaningful way yet?


magus-21 t1_j6kq62o wrote

>Where did I imply that there aren’t recurring themes or character beats?

I didn't say you implied that. You asked for "an example of the sort of thing I’m missing out on if I saw Eternals but didn't see Black Widow," and I answered with an example of a thing that you would need to follow through multiple movies.

>And what have they been doing for the last 4 years if “similar driving forces” haven’t materialized in any meaningful way yet?

Iron Man came out in 2008. Avengers came out in 2012. "Four years" is not a long time in the context of the MCU.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kqxuc wrote

>This sounds more like you making an excuse for your inability to follow anything past a single movie

Ok then explain what I'm missing? What is the overarching story of the MCU ?


stunkdunkly t1_j6krgmw wrote

I just asked what they’d been doing. What value do they have before they’re built off of years later? You say they aren’t shallow or meaningless but it sounds like they’re in a holding pattern, maybe indefinitely.


magus-21 t1_j6kt6gu wrote

>What value do they have before they’re built off of years later? You say they aren’t shallow or meaningless but it sounds like they’re in a holding pattern, maybe indefinitely.

Honestly, I share the same concern. They're obviously setting the stage for some kind of multiversal/cosmic conflict, but the multiverse is just a setting, not a story hook, and "setting the stage" means your play hasn't even started yet.

The problem is that the current MCU doesn't have a story hook that teases something revolutionary (like what "the Avengers Initiative" from Iron Man did) or a main villain like Thanos to threaten the newly established status quo. So yeah, it does feel like a holding pattern. But that's also why I said I'm withholding my judgment until they start showing their cards.


magus-21 t1_j6ktpmx wrote

Already did. And like I said, in case you missed my edit:

Literally your whole posting history (at least recently) is just you shitting on other people for the movies they like, and not just the MCU. I hope that you one day learn to enjoy a movie without putting others down.

And that's the last response you'll get from me on this thread.


Bomber131313 t1_j6kwc9a wrote

> compelled him to sign the Sokovia Accords and cause the disbanding of the Avengers

Are you putting that on Tony and not Cap?

Tony was taking responsibility for his past mistakes and following the law. As well as throughout the film trying to compromise with Cap to keep the team together. Cap is the one who choose to break the Accords ultimately breaking up the Avengers. Cap made up his mind on what the right thing to do was(a decision that was wrong-Zemo was never going to unleash more Winter Soldiers).


magus-21 t1_j6kxp5i wrote

>Are you putting that on Tony and not Cap?

No statements of fault, just cause and effect. The signing of the Sokovia Accords led to the disbanding of the Avengers, and Tony's decision to sign them was driven by his guilt over creating Ultron. And Tony's decision to create Ultron was driven by his PTSD over the Battle of New York.

I'm just illustrating the kind of character continuity that some commenters here (specifically CrackPlug80) seem to be unable to see.


Bomber131313 t1_j6kysbc wrote

> like they’re in a holding pattern, maybe indefinitely.

Holding pattern seems like the wrong term, more of an establishing peroid. Like they did pre first Avengers. They are setting up the pieces to fight the next big baddie.


Bomber131313 t1_j6kziqd wrote

> just cause and effect.

I'm just saying it wasn't his 'cause', that domino was pushed over by Cap.

>The signing of the Sokovia Accords led to the disbanding of the Avengers,

I would say more Cap not signing did that.

>I'm just illustrating the kind of character continuity that some commenters here (specifically CrackPlug80) seem to be unable to see.

Oh, I know and agree with you.

I just don't think you can put the breaking up of the team on Tony.


litido5 t1_j6l4lsn wrote

It was awesome. I went with the big reclining gold class seats so I’d be comfortable that long and was not disappointed in fact I didn’t want it to end. Visually stunning and unexpectedly emotional in places with spectacular places I want to visit and the occasional jump scare. Phenomenal movie and the story was engrossing. This is not like some weird matrix sequel this was believable and magnificent.


AlphonzInc t1_j6l929s wrote

I agree, I was really bored for the first hour especially. It was a little more interesting after that, but not much.


TehNoobDaddy t1_j6l9soe wrote

Yer agreed it was frustrating in the end. The kids getting captured was basically the only thing driving the plot forward after Jake moved his family. Hell it happens like 3 or 4 times in the final act alone😂.

I'm sure they could have easily got the water navi Queen captured instead just for variety.

Was glad one of them died to add some consequence to their repeated stupidity.


TehNoobDaddy t1_j6lbzms wrote

I really enjoyed the film, didn't feel like a 3+hour film, visually it was beautiful, 3d was 3d didn't really add anything for me personally but when done well like in avatar i guess it's a fun change.

There were a few issues I had with the film though.

  1. where did all the water navi go at the end? They just straight up disappeared lol.

  2. why were all the kids using earth slang words like bro and cuz, didn't really make much sense or fit in with the avatar universe.

  3. the whale brain goo stuff, only being worth 80mil lol, seems like something that stops human ageing would be worth a lot more. (This is a minor nitpicky issue I'll admit lol), they don't explain how they randomly discovered this either considering how much effort it takes to get, and they leave the entire corpse after also so seems like a very specific thing to get without knowing about it prior or discovering it whilst they farmed whales for other purposes.

  4. this is probably the biggest one for me. They downloaded the bad guys memories and then put them in avatar bodies. So basically there is no risk/reward factor to them dying now as they can just come back with a new avatar body repeatedly. Making a big deal of the main bad guy seemingly die and then be saved doesn't have as much impact when he could just come back anyway (granted his memories from last download to death would be missing, but you'd assume they'd download regularly).


TehNoobDaddy t1_j6ld0qa wrote

Why does a film need to be told in a tight 100-120 min time frame?

A film should be however long it needs to be, some films have been too short while others are too long. If I'm enjoying a film, I'm always happy to have more of it (within reason ofc).


pleasereadthanks t1_j6lyffb wrote

Hey do you like Terminator 2?

Guess what, the plot and structure of T2 is recycled from the first one almost beat for beat but bigger and better.

It even ends in a factory just like the first one.

That's how Cameron does sequels so successfully. He takes the same basic ingredients and makes them bigger and better with a little twist. Same with Aliens.


Shitty_Fat-tits t1_j6n8re7 wrote

Where did the whale bro get his tattoos?!? All I could think about was some seedy underwater cave with The Cramps playing on the radio and some strung out whale with a giant tattoo gun lol


YourHeroIsAlive t1_j6ocvaj wrote

I heard people say “if you liked the first one, you’ll like the sequel. If you didn’t like the first one, you’ll not like it” and wow, I think that’s so not true. I loved the first one and absolutely hated the second one. Spider? Come on. This movie is just terrible.

I know they’re investigating how that obscure actress was nominated for an Oscar, but I think they should extend their investigation to Way of Water getting a best picture nod. Just terrible.


TheShadyGuy t1_j6p0kbs wrote

Ummm, it absolutely was brought up in Way of Water...