I was watching a video on his career and they went into detail with each film yet spent the least amount of time on True Lies.
Also I noticed when we speak of JC's filmography here on Reddit. It's the usual suspects that show up like Aliens, Terminator, Titanic and Avatar.
True Lies was a staple of my youth. I can still hear the tango scene in my head, "You're fired" is one of my favourite classic lines and the bridge limo scene is one of my favourites.
Remarkable that the quality of his filmography is so high that a great film like True Lies isn't at the same calibre as his other films.
The video spent a good amount of time on The Abyss and that film is mostly remembered for it's troubled production, amazing performances especially Ed Harris and the groundbreaking water tentacle CGI. I gotta revisit this film actually as it's been awhile since I saw the restored version.
Amazing that he's only made 9 movies. Same as Tarantino.
Either way. Great filmmaker. It's amazing that his entire filmography hasn't been released in 4k yet. Especially Piranha 2.