Recent comments in /f/movies

DrRexMorman t1_jeguvsu wrote

With the exception of your knock against Jurassic Park 3 (which is the 2nd best Jurassic Park movie and a fine "B" monster film on its own), I like your critiques: JP 2 is a super disjointed movie.

>Why is Roland Tembo not present in the final act when the objective of the final act is to capture the bull tyrannosaur?

Why didn't we get a 6-10 episode season of White Lotus that follows Roland Tembo trying to keep a group of upper/middle class tourists and middle/lower class park staff alive after being stranded with them on Isla Nublar?

Why did the second act of the move involve the ostensibly "good" characters making an incredibly cruel choice that led to the deaths of the ostensibly "bad" characters (who were just working stiffs)?


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_jegusfg wrote

Sometimes that’s not a bad thing. I feel there’s a fair amount of amazing movies out there where you mainly get pure enjoyability on just one watch. That’s how I feel with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Loved it on the first watch and think it’s a great movie, but I have no desire to watch it again


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jeguloo wrote

I saw someone so desperate to prove superiority over the new Avatar that in the middle of an absolute word salad of a review they called the plot " incomprehensible." The film was many things, but the plot was incredibly straightforward. Trying to intellectually take down this particular movie by calling it "incomprehensible" is almost telling on yourself.


lucia-pacciola t1_jeguawm wrote

Aurelio in John Wick. Great supporting role for John Leguizamo. Great supporting character. Could have kept the series just grounded enough. But no, they give him a throwaway cameo, and lean into the Assassin World of Assassins from the Planet of Assassins instead.

Edit: Also Karl Urban's Judge Dredd.


AntiqueCelebration69 t1_jegu7aw wrote

> Any movie that is weird, outside of the norm, or an indie film gets barely any comments or traction, and you have users in comments going: “looks boring”, “who cares”

Pretty much any non-capeshit. Shit I’ve seen people call classics like Lawrence of Arabia and Casablanca “boring”

This sub is allergic to art in films