Recent comments in /f/movies

PleaseHurryIHave2Pee t1_jegxuc0 wrote

"Tetris" is a fictional movie that tells the story of Henk Rogers' journey to bring the iconic game to the world. The film is a delightful blend of drama, humor, and suspense, with impressive attention to detail. Taron Egerton delivers a strong performance as Rogers, and Anya Taylor Joy's brilliant portrayal of Elizabeth is not to be missed. "Tetris" is an engaging movie that will appeal to fans of video games and anyone who appreciates a well-crafted story.


SomeMockodile OP t1_jegx27a wrote

JP3’s actually my third favorite, I just didn’t share that opinion in this post. The pteranodon and raptor sequences are great and a spinosaurus is really important to this series because every Jurassic film after jp3 has had a new “big bad dino” when lost world had the 2 trexes. I think I would argue that it’s the most influential Jurassic film aside from the first to the franchise as a whole.

Also, yeah. Imo Van Owen should have died for his actions in the second act of Lost World.


Conjobbed t1_jegw9g4 wrote

A movie is popular, therefore it's good.

It's not trying to be Citizen Kane.

It's not supposed to mean anything or make sense.

Steven Seagal/Pauly Shore/etc. is the most underrated actor of his generation.


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jegw2pr wrote

Conversely, stating a certain film "won too many Oscars" without actually considering what categories the film won.

I saw someone bitching that Black Panther won too many Oscars because the movie was actually mid and the final fight was terrible. Do they stop and consider that the film didn't win best picture, or best screenplay, or best direction, or best visual effects, but instead won in categories that were fairly well deserved against that year's competition,? Nope. Just too many Oscars because the movie was just okay.

There's this misconception sometimes that if a film wins an Oscar that means the film as a whole has to be fantastic, when really it just needs to be exceptional compared to the competition in that specific category.


A_Song_of_Two_Humans t1_jegvfc1 wrote

For me it simply comes down to the fact that the guy made more 10/10 movies in his career than anyone else has managed. He made a LOT of movies and not all of them are great but there's at least ten that are masterpieces. Plus the fact that he was churning out pure gold on an annual basis at certain stages in his career is pretty impressive.


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jegvehd wrote

I keep seeing people say they should have cut the climax of the film (in the flooded arena). You know, the part that fulfills the film's largest theme regarding the dichotomy of vengeance vs justice and brings the main character to a point of realization they likely wouldn't have reached if the Riddler hadn't gone too far.