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Dragonborn83196 t1_jeh36gw wrote

Ratings in US are strange and UK in some ways is a lot more strict (I’ve come to learn). For example, Titanic has a scene of very obvious nudity and is only PG-13, but there have been films like Halloween (2018) where there’s just a couple of frames of it. Maybe 3 moments where there’s I guess a “decent” amount of blood and it’s rated R. I suppose censors look at the “context” I honestly have no clue because I’m just as confused sometimes. Just like Paranormal Activity is rated R but it’s only because the F word is said a small handful of times along with some minor PG-13 cussing.


asshat123 t1_jeh2yah wrote

It's definitely a little anticlimactic and unsatisfying, but I think the way it makes sense is timing. The defenders didn't get to choose the timing, Mordor attacked, and they just had to hold out as long as they could. Every life given bought a little more time, which eventually meant Aragorn and his ghost buddies were still saving a city when they arrived instead of taking back a pile of rubble


EscapeTomMayflower t1_jeh2szp wrote

John McTiernan had a great action streak at the end of the 80s: Predator, Die Hard and The Hunt for Red October

Richard Donner had a couple of good streaks: The Omen, Superman, Superman II and then later The Goonies, Lethal Weapon and Scrooged.


SilentGamerDude t1_jeh28ft wrote

So my memory of this movie is im way too young at the time and im in paris, texas spending the night with my cousin at my maternal grandmothers house and somehow i had the attention span to sit through and watch freddy got fingered, interview with the vampire and i am sam (the movie with the guy from milk, pardon if thats not the correct title) all in the same day, at the time im still in elementary school. It was a hot minute before i was allowed to go over there again