We’re Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult, costars of the upcoming film RENFIELD, here to answer all your questions about bugs, bad bosses, and everything in between. AMA!
Submitted by renfieldmovie t3_122taw7
Submitted by renfieldmovie t3_122taw7
Submitted by EngineeringOk3975 t3_122r8zk
Submitted by mrnicegy26 t3_122ljjm
Submitted by Few-Pirate6046 t3_122dqb8
Submitted by MarvelsGrantMan136 t3_1223h92
Submitted by Ginge_6907 t3_1221iab
Submitted by Thetimmybaby t3_121vx2t
Submitted by AnUnfriendlyGhost t3_121ne2g
Submitted by [deleted] t3_121f9vi
Submitted by irequirebacon t3_1218cs3
Submitted by d2022m t3_1217wi6
Submitted by TheJoliestEgg t3_120cr6y
Submitted by LiteraryBoner t3_1205lx8
Submitted by zerolag t3_12036es
Submitted by Mad_Season_1994 t3_1202uae
Submitted by indig0sixalpha t3_11zutiq
Submitted by Roy_Guapo t3_11zqlun
Submitted by ZyphyrdylN t3_11zfpni