Submitted by ProfessionalOil1888 t3_11b1t8j in newhampshire

Staying in Jackson at my in-laws new house. Which ski mountain is likely to be the least crowded on the weekends? There are so many all around here.

Don’t care about size or price really and willing to drive up to an hour.



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677536543 t1_j9vg8r9 wrote

Black Mountain is the closest and is rarely ever crowded. It's a smaller mountain though, so if that's not what you're looking for, any of the other mountains in the area (Cranmore/Atitash/Wildcat) will be crowded similarly. My personal favorite is Sunday River in Maine. It's big and spread out so it handles the crowds well.


jbean92 t1_j9vk9zt wrote

Attitash or Wildcat are great mountains. A lot of schools are on vacation this week and next week so they might be a little crowded.


MornduNH t1_j9w0fug wrote

This is the crossover vacation weekend - Mass. school vacations ending and NH starting. It’s going to be crowded everywhere. One of the busiest weekends of the season.


Lumpyyyyy t1_j9xc9cf wrote

Wildcat probably. It has the least amenities but if the conditions are good, the day will be awesome.


Hot_Legless_Dogs t1_j9y6d2f wrote

LOL in that case try Loon for sure.

But for real, they're not kidding, on vacation weeks and especially weekends there isn't an un-crowded mountain. All the families are thinking the same thing you are and they will inundate everything, even tiny skidmark mountains. It's why most of us natives without kids wont even try to go during this two week period.


Bomdiggitydoo t1_j9yes4h wrote

Head up to Burke in VT, it may be a little further but will not be as crowded and is a Great mountain


tadamhicks t1_j9ykci6 wrote

Cranmore or Black. Black probably the least of all crowded, Cranmore second. Bretton Woods can be good, too, as it’s just far enough that people either make a destination of it or opt for Attitash/Wildcat. Cannon might be worth the drive as well.

Keep in mind Attitash and Wildcat are part of Vail, so loads of people buy into the Epic pass and they get crowded, especially on this spring break overlap. Loon has a similar problem as it is part of Ikon. What you want are the smaller, independent areas.

If you’re willing to drive then Sunday River could be a great bet as well.


ProfessionalOil1888 OP t1_j9ymtkm wrote

Thanks for the feedback. I didn’t realize wildcat and attitash were part of Vail.

Going to hit up black mountain for a half day. Not even a 10 minute drive.

I do have an Ikon and didn’t realize Sunday River was so close. Next time up, that’s the move.


shoppingfortruth t1_j9zz7e4 wrote

If you are willing to travel a longer distance, Sugarloaf will give you the big mountain experience at a lift price more reasonable than SundayRiver. We went last Monday during vacation week and was surprisingly not that busy. The longest lift wait may have been about 10 or so minutes and most of the day had no wait. I think not everyone wants to travel that far.


teeeray t1_ja0ocwt wrote

Vacationers hate two things when it comes to skiing:

  1. Getting out of bed early.
  2. Single-digit and especially subzero temperatures.

Use these facts to your advantage if you want to get some serious skiing in. Find a mountain with a high speed quad and get all your runs in by 10am or 11am. Gear up if it’s going to be cold (like today), because that means you get bonus runs.


shoppingfortruth t1_ja1fjqv wrote

We’ll, I live near Concord NH. Drove up to my Brother’s place in Errol NH. Was a 1.5 hour drive in the morning from there to ski. Drove about 4 hours home after. Look to be about 2.5 hours from Jackson. Could be done if you are ambitious.