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BlackJesus420 t1_j9z5i8h wrote

Holy cow this weed conversation is incessant 😵‍💫


warren_stupidity t1_j9z7y0i wrote

70% of the people of this state want it legalized. This is an obvious failure of representative government.


Potential-Village-61 t1_ja0ybjg wrote

70% That is your hope. If you are right PROVE IT ! And don't try to prove it with the same survey.


warren_stupidity t1_ja16kg6 wrote

Ok. “Seven in ten New Hampshire residents support legalizing marijuana for recreational use” - recent UNH survey.


Potential-Village-61 t1_ja1dm8g wrote

With all due respect surveys mean nothing to me . Why? here is why ,in this case there are 1,388.992.people in New Hampshire. Unless 75 % of that population was surveyed the survey or polls are incomplete and not accurate for the entire states thought. or preferences. Regards P. S. I am familiar with UNH surveys.


warren_stupidity t1_ja2libl wrote

Obviously you’re beyond reasonable discussion. Have a nice day.


Potential-Village-61 t1_ja3sw66 wrote

Unreasonable because it disagrees with you ?????? Now that's unreasonable !!!!


warren_stupidity t1_ja40qtz wrote

When someone asks for proof of an assertion of fact, then rejects the evidence provided without any attempt to offer contrary evidence, they are not arguing in good faith, they are instead being unreasonable


Potential-Village-61 t1_ja44yna wrote

Your evidence proves nothing. It is your opinion show us the paperwork on letterheads and maybe we will start to believe and in that paper work make sure we are told how many people were polled and what group of people were surveyed. Words in blogs are usually opinion and most of them are non factual do not believe any survey you read unless they have surveyed at least 75% of the New Hampshire population. This is my last reply between you and I as you are not willing to accept anything other than your opinion. MY regards to you and Goodbye