Submitted by cat-gun t3_11bnjni in newhampshire
Syd1164 t1_j9zpask wrote
It’s simple…cannabis will not become recreational in NH until it is legalized federally(as stated). At that time, the NH state government will pass a law stating all recreational weed will be sold through STATE RUN FACILITIES just like the liquor stores. This pricing out any potential competition. The state will receive all revenue from any legal weed. No competition. Sorry mom and pop/potential business opportunities for granite staters/market competition. They are never going to pass a GYO bill. Y’all can keep saying”there are bills on the table”. I don’t see any of them being passed.
Live free or die…just don’t grow weed you dirty hippies!!
quaffee t1_ja02ssf wrote
Why not legalize possession now and worry about the sales infrastructure later? Allow gifting and growing and wait for the Feds to legalize before establishing retail.
alkatori t1_ja06a23 wrote
isn't possession already decriminalized? What's the difference between legalized possession vs decriminalized. I'm not well versed on this subject.
quaffee t1_ja0hftr wrote
Decriminalization allows possession of up to 1/4 oz of flower, which is a very small amount even for personal use of a single person. There can be penalties for possession of larger amounts, so we're not out of the woods yet even for simple possession.
alkatori t1_ja0jccs wrote
Potential-Village-61 t1_ja3r0vl wrote
Are you saying 1/4 oz is not enough for one person. Then it must mean one person after taking the 1/4 oz wants more. I say that is addiction and that is why Marijuana is designated as a class 1 drug.
quaffee t1_ja3xetf wrote
It's more of a nuisance/logistics issue for consumers.
It would be like telling someone they can only possess a quart of milk at once. That person either breaks the law by buying more, or has to buy more milk every other day. Also, just like most products, buying smaller amounts is more expensive than buying in bulk. Am I "addicted" to milk for wanting to buy it in gallons? No, that's a ridiculous idea.
You should look into the actual definition for schedule 1, it's not just because a substance is addictive. Coffee and tobacco are both addictive, but they're not scheduled, and medical utility is dubious for those substances. Cannabis (having medical utility and low abuse potential) does not strictly meet the definition for schedule 1.
Scheduling cannabis was a convenient political decision for Nixon at the time when the drug war as we know it was really kicking off. It also has racist roots.
Regarding addiction, there's some disagreement in the community over whether cannabis is physically addictive, afaik the jury is out on that one so far.
Potential-Village-61 t1_ja417ta wrote
>Thank you .I agree with some of the reply but if you are saying people buy milk every day is addictive then I disagree. In many homes there are families of four or five members and milk does not last long when that many are using it. Also milk is essential for proven good health not destructive cannabis which is not fully approved for good health as of yet according to the federal government and that is proof enough for me. I believe they know more about this drug than you and I. And milk drinkers are not going out killing and stealing to buy Marijuana and do not say that is not true. But thanks for the reply as everyone is entitled to their opinion. P.S. Judging from all the pro marijuana posters in this blog some who say 1/4 oz is not enough for one person I can only say that proves addiction even though that word embarrasses some marijuana abusers. AREN'T THEY SAYING THEY CANNOT GET ENOUGH MARIJUANA ? Also their are other federal reasons why it is banned and why it is said to be addictive. Regards.
quaffee t1_ja4elzi wrote
"Judging from all the pro milk posters in this blog some who say 1/4 gallon is not enough for one person I can only say that proves addiction even though that word embarrasses some milk abusers. AREN'T THEY SAYING THEY CANNOT GET ENOUGH MILK ?"
Syd1164 t1_ja0xzlh wrote
Why even give the people the opportunity if you don’t have too. Doing nothing is perfect. Once it goes federally legal, the NH gov will start making decisions real quick!
quaffee t1_ja17zcb wrote
I don't really understand your comment. Give people what opportunity?
Syd1164 t1_ja7k1x2 wrote
My point would be recreational cannabis is not going to happen because all the lawmakers won’t let it happen until it’s federally legal. It’s too much of a Wild West out there, look at Massachusetts.
The NH gov is going to drag their feet until they are in a position to take over the entire cannabis market in NH…like the liquor stores.
So to answer your question, there is little to nothing you can do to push Rec cannabis in the granite state. Unless you can become governor or win a seat in the NH gov.
Even then you would have little chance. There is too much money to be had and the NH gov isn’t going to let it’s citizens in on it.
quaffee t1_ja8jd47 wrote
Well let's hope you're wrong. I understand where you're coming from though. Like many pro-legalization folks I see this as a justice, cognitive sovereignty and health issue. Whereas our lawmakers only seem to see 💲💲.
Syd1164 t1_ja9ap5j wrote
I hope I’m wrong as well. More than anything but the cynic in me says follow the money.
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