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Emeleigh_Rose t1_j72u6qq wrote

Eric Weglarz was such a great meteorologist and personality on WMUR. I’m in the Lakes Region and feel concerned for the players and spectators for the pond hockey tournament being held at Waukewan in my town this weekend.


Koality_Gainz t1_j72vyth wrote

I played this morning at 8am. Someone is 100% getting frostbite. We were there at the warmest part of the day and I am still regaining feeling in my fingers.


Emeleigh_Rose t1_j73v6ac wrote

My neighbor is an EMT for Meredith. She said there were 82 cases of frostbite at Waukewan. Crazy.


Least-Car6096 t1_j73x9zs wrote

Wow. Today? My husband & brother in law are playing in that tournament this weekend and staying in Meredith. I’ve been so anxious worrying about frost bite and these hockey guys downplaying the cold to be tough. When I FaceTimed them after their first game this morning, their eye lashes & brows were frozen.


Koality_Gainz t1_j73zj6j wrote

Holy! That is wild. I don’t doubt it though, it was wild


Emeleigh_Rose t1_j73jzq2 wrote

Brrr! That's dedication to your sport. Hope your fingers recovere and your team does well.


boldolive t1_j740lr6 wrote

I was really surprised when I heard they didn’t reschedule. 🤦‍♀️


Least-Car6096 t1_j74dhny wrote

Me too 😑 a few weeks ago the officials were saying the tournament might be cancelled due to the fact that Winnipesaukee wasn’t frozen enough to play on yet. Now it sounds like they’re going to cancel tomorrows games and the rest of the tournament. One of the players on my husbands team got minor frost bite on a few fingers (while using hand warmers) and all of them have wind burned chapped faces already….gatta love wasting all that money on new winter gear, travel & lodging just to have it get shut down. Oh! And the power in their air b n b went out too so they’re keeping warm at a restaurant right now. Sounds like a blast up there!


boldolive t1_j74z31e wrote

Yeah, it’s hard to prevent people from participating after they’ve spent so much money and effort to travel. The organizers should have canceled sooner.