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manbunsandkayaks OP t1_j74gdrf wrote

Lol same

I just had a successful reload on their site -45.7 as of 1914


DaveLDog t1_j74gp9e wrote

They're gonna drag it out, dropping .1F at a time


manbunsandkayaks OP t1_j74gymg wrote

So accurate.

I wonder if there are any bets on the tables with this, gotta find a bookie 😹


DaveLDog t1_j74h99m wrote

You'd think they'd do a live webcast from the summit or something for us weather geeks, not even a blog entry.


manbunsandkayaks OP t1_j74hl5z wrote

I know! I was kinda shocked how stale their social media accounts are. I mean this is as far as I go for social media but I’d expect something on one of the platforms. Or even spice it up and do a live YouTube feed like the green comet (yes, I admit I was glued to that too)


DaveLDog t1_j74i9xk wrote

They have 1 post on their FB page 4 hours ago.


manbunsandkayaks OP t1_j74ig81 wrote

And with the hype about this… silly to say but I’m kinda bummed there wasn’t even a side story about nimbus with all of this!


DaveLDog t1_j74l8gq wrote

Agreed, I was tempted to get a stuffed Nimbus for the wife while I was roaming the MWOBS website


manbunsandkayaks OP t1_j74lnft wrote

I have the cats of MWOBS t shirt and a bunch of nimbus mugs lol I love nimbus and all the previous kittos of mwobs


Weekly-Obligation798 t1_j74l9ua wrote

I did find this though…… Nimbus is being a cat…… …. Well I can’t seem to post a link but has a video with 130 mph winds and they mention him