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steelymouthtrout t1_ja8pu82 wrote

Yeah but that will lead to the next inane question. Where can I get weed? You gotta hand hold these people. There's just so much damn information that's already been shared on this sub from the past few years yet they come on here and ask the same question every fucking time.


Justice-Girl-369 t1_jaadlh4 wrote

Dispensary in Massachusetts. They have some in Haverhill that is like 10-15 minutes from NH border.


SheenPSU t1_jadqpx2 wrote

They have one in Haverhill right on the border of NH

It’s so close you actually cross over into NH if you leave a certain way lol

Edit: for clarity that purple line is the NH MA border. NH is on top of the line, MA below it.