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AllstarGaming617 t1_j9l7elg wrote

Well if you work in mass you still have to pay mass state taxes. Although New Hampshire is suing Massachusetts over taxation of remote workers/workers who cross state lines. I don’t think it’ll ever change for workers who physically work for mass companies but I do think eventually remote workers who live in nh will get the benefit of no income tax


soh_amore t1_j9lb596 wrote

Don’t you normally get some kind of tax credit that offsets the working state’s tax. Maybe that does not work here as NH doesn’t have income tax?


AllstarGaming617 t1_j9leqz7 wrote

I think that’s what some of the lawsuit between the states is about. Currently there is no tax credit between mass and nh. Living and working across state lines between two states that have income taxes there is a tax credit. My wife and I both work for Massachusetts companies and live in Nashua. She actually works for local government so she’ll always be paying taxes. My company is based out of north Attleboro but I run all operations in New Hampshire so I’m hoping that maybe something pans out in this lawsuit that benefits my tax situation.