Submitted by bo0oewbs t3_10uk07p in newhampshire

Say one was wanting to buy a few acres to build a dry cabin (cabin with electric but carry in water) to live in while I make homestead and save up enough money for a septic and indoor running water. Are there any towns 30 minutes or less from Claremont that would be particularly agreeable to this idea?



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Detritus_AMCW t1_j7ckroc wrote

For a second I thought you were this poster again, must a popular option. Though theirs is different than homesteading.



jkarovskaya t1_j7dgbe1 wrote

In many cases when you go for a permit , tell the town you want to build a hunting cabin for "seasonal use"

That way, you maybe able avoid having to deal with getting a perc test, septic plan on file, etc before they give you a building or driveway permit

Some towns still don't have zoning or a planning board, or a building inspector yet, and that's a plus to do what you're planning on

best of luck trying to do this, I know it was a lot easier years ago.


Burger-King-Covid t1_j7eh5f6 wrote

You can go to a city of claremont meeting and request a zoning amendment and they may grant it for you. The city needs tax money badly. Tons of great places out in the middle of nowhere in Claremont to build a cabin just like that. You just need permission from the city first with a special meeting.


bo0oewbs OP t1_j9ohti1 wrote

Lol as someone moving from rural iowa I have an idea that New Hampshire’s version of “shit hole” and my version of shit how are two very different things. Excited to go check all the places out this spring though