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movdqa t1_j9o8ruf wrote

I went out to shovel last night and there were about 2 inches but it was moderately heavy though not super-wet. Apple Weather says we got 3.7 inches so far withanother 4+ to go and I'm about to head out to do some shoveling just to see what it's like. This doesn't seem very bad so far in southern NH. I haven't seen any WMUR clips yet but they should have them up within the next hour.


movdqa t1_j9ocac6 wrote

Just back in and about 4 inches but it was annoying as there was sleet, ice and moderately heavy snow. I'm inside for a cup of coffee and to do some chores and then back outside. I am going to clear a roof that we have that has been prone to leaks in the past.