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ProlapsedMasshole t1_j7lrvi8 wrote

A. Dover literally is a city. It's the City of Dover.

B. Would you rather population density increase in populous areas or sprawl and deforestation to occur in less populous ones?

It's one or the other as long as human population is exponentially increasing.

We're the infection.


bubumamajuju t1_j7ltty3 wrote

You know that’s pointless semantics when I’m talking about highly suburbanized areas which residents move to often specially because they’re not city-like. Not every “city” needs to have high density housing.

The deforestation comment is just odd. Do you know lumber is a renewable resource? Any global issues with deforestation have nothing to do with squeezing Dover NH into a rental unit that are twice as small. There’s reasonable sustainability and then there’s being a martyr. It’s stupid and unrealistic to expect people to downsize for perpetuity and for small communities to upzone into mid-rise monstrosities.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j7lvi45 wrote

I moved to Dover specifically because it's city-like. Why did you move here? Oh yeah, you didn't. 👍 There are plenty of suburbs I could have moved to, so really not sure what your point is.

I don't mean deforestation in terms of cutting trees, I mean replacing forest with suburbs. There's nothing unreasonable about living in a smaller home, especially for young adults who are transitioning into adulthood who don't have a ton of shit.

These aren't for downsizing, they're a rung on the upsizing ladder.