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59000beans t1_j7mvzqg wrote

I would take a standalone living space over a shared building any day. Yes, a neighbor might be 6ft away in a building next door, but not having loud noises all around you inside your own living area is worth it....and being free from all the smells.


Tai9ch t1_j7n274g wrote

The alternative would be rowhouses (or even just duplexes), which could easily be better at both noise and smell insulation than these things.


Psychological-Cry221 t1_j7pd8sj wrote

Row houses or duplexes, both of which would share a wall, would be better on noise and smell than detached units? Have you been eating paint chips again?


Tai9ch t1_j7pid87 wrote

Yes, replacing two walls with windows in them with one wall with sound insulation and a vapor barrier means less noise and smell transmission.

I take it you've never lived in either a decent duplex or a closely spaced single family.


[deleted] t1_j7nbn7r wrote



Cantide756 t1_j7nc9mz wrote

40 years is about 4 times more optimistic than you should be with these


Psychological-Cry221 t1_j7pddja wrote

The rent on these is set at fair market (FMR) and they lease for $1,200 month. What do you pay for rent?


pullyourfinger t1_j7sldqn wrote

hopefully they won't be. they are ugly as shit and should be torn down now, FFS.


Cantide756 t1_j7nc4za wrote

Not to mention the reduced likelihood of pests getting through the walls


Own_Clothes9361 t1_j7mxnoh wrote

Open those windows and guarantee you’ll smell your neighbors burnt pizza airing out or hear them laying pipe on a Friday night.