Submitted by PurpleSubtlePlan t3_10xqusl in newhampshire
gmcgath t1_j7tviq2 wrote
Translation: "I want somebody else's money."
smartest_kobold t1_j7txb2z wrote
I'm a bitter gremlin who feeds off the negative emotional energy generated by traffic jams. What's your excuse?
gmcgath t1_j7ty90t wrote
I can thing of no excuse at all for your being a bitter gremlin.
MissorNoob t1_j7u6tir wrote
Keep your libertarian brainrot out of our state.
KrissaKray t1_j7u9o8o wrote
Keep your hands out of everyone else's pockets.
MissorNoob t1_j7u9saj wrote
Christ, not you again.
KrissaKray t1_j7u9uk2 wrote
Excellent response to a reasonable suggestion /s
MissorNoob t1_j7uae3p wrote
You're the only one who thinks you're reasonable. If you don't want your taxes to be used for public works, then move somewhere else. Otherwise, kindly fuck off and stop complaining.
KrissaKray t1_j7uat4f wrote
I don't want my tax dollars to be put into a project that is a black hole for money. A rail line in NH will NEVER pay for itself and you're a fool if you think it will. It's not something that should be subsidized by taxpayers.
MissorNoob t1_j7uql5o wrote
If you can't see the benefit of having a commuter rail in a state devoid of public transport, irrespective of its profitability, then I think you must just be biased. I don't care if it makes money. That's not what it's for. The point is to provide a service. It lightens the load on our highways. Drives commerce around its stops. Provides a cheaper alternative to traveling by car.
Not everything has to be profit-driven. Lose that mindset.
batmansmotorcycle t1_j7v1mo2 wrote
Not all narcissists are free staters but all free staters are narcissists
KrissaKray t1_j7urr4u wrote
Sorry but money rules the world and there’s no way that’s changing any time soon. No one is entitled to anyone else’s labor or money.
MissorNoob t1_j7usewo wrote
Then live off the grid. The roads you use, the electricity you use, the police, fire department...hell, even the food you buy are subsidized by taxpayer money. You can't pick and choose. It sounds like you just want to complain and be hypocritical. This is the system you live in. You are a part of it.
KrissaKray t1_j7uvf6z wrote
It’s illegal to live off the grid. I would if I could without the threat of imprisonment 🤷🏼♀️
MissorNoob t1_j7ux6w9 wrote
Man, you are down bad. My condolences.
KrissaKray t1_j7uxthv wrote
Right? Sue me for wanting to be left tf alone.
PleasantCelery421 t1_j7vgqfc wrote
MiggySmalls6767 t1_j7uw81g wrote
Go live in Somalia.
KrissaKray t1_j7uwbec wrote
Stop being poor
MiggySmalls6767 t1_j7uwfav wrote
My taxes are more than your salary. Stop having the IQ of a 3rd grader
KrissaKray t1_j7uwgww wrote
I’m sure, guy.
MiggySmalls6767 t1_j7ux26x wrote
It’s a guarantee. Libertarians inherently have smaller brains than the average American. It’s genetic. You’re inferior, which explains your ability to be so naive that you’d believe in libertarian principles. Small children who live in candyland.
KrissaKray t1_j7uxwbn wrote
Okay, Mr Billionaire. Since you’re so rich, why don’t you fund the rail system yourself?
MiggySmalls6767 t1_j7uy7h8 wrote
Because it’s a public service and I’m not a cunt
KrissaKray t1_j7uycz1 wrote
Thanks for offering up everyone else's money instead of your own. Very selfless of you. /s
MiggySmalls6767 t1_j7uys9l wrote
It would be my money as well you donut. That’s how society works. Go to Somalia.
But since you’re so goddamn poor ill cover the .000008 cents you would owe for a rail system.
You’re welcome. Go spend it somewhere nice.
KrissaKray t1_j7uz5t7 wrote
It’s hilarious you think I make only like 80k a year lmao
batmansmotorcycle t1_j7v1gns wrote
Stop driving on my roads that I paid for out of my pockets then….
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