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t1_j7ue5j3 wrote

I have no idea if arbor is legit but I switched to DE in likeeee sept/oct (I can't remember even though it was less than 6 mos ago lol) and it's already saved me a ton.


t1_j7uxvut wrote

Not sure if we switched to Arbor, my wife did it. Switching away from Eversource as the provider has at least mitigated Eversource rate increases.


t1_j7v38gv wrote

you need to go through the option provided by your utility provider. They should have a portion of their site dedicated to the available choices with that provider and the steps to sign up.


At this point I find $0.12 per kWh to be suspect. Chances are this is a rate that was available and is being used to farm more people to sign up with them.


But lower prices and no commitment are available, however there is no real reason to not commit to t along term option as the rates for electricity aren't going down any time soon.


Personally I sign up for the lowest possible rate (which was $0.13 per kWh for 100% renewable) for the longest possible time (36 months when I did it last September).


t1_j7v3dlg wrote

They can log in and get your name, banking, etc and flip you over to them at a higher rate than stated, cause your electric to be shut off, etc etc.

There's a lot more they can do than you think.


t1_j7wacjx wrote

Move to Ashland/Plymouth area. We have our own Co-Op it's the tits