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utopianbears t1_j7wb5h1 wrote

Reply to comment by skigirl180 in Let's start at home by jslo73

Truly. This anti trans agenda is being pushed everywhere when actual issues like healthcare and housing are being ignored.


skigirl180 t1_j7wbj74 wrote

Because the rich conservatives can pay for doctors and housing without help....they can't pick on trans kids legally without help from the government allowing them to.


knottedoaks t1_j7x994u wrote

This isn’t anti trans. This is protecting kids.


utopianbears t1_j7x9kn9 wrote

lol tell me you only read clickbait and have no knowledge of statistics / real data around these issues without telling me.


knottedoaks t1_j7xdy8u wrote

Or you could realize the difference of being born with an innie or an outie and quit your mental gyrations. Dicks don’t belong in the girls room and vags don’t belong in the boys room. Really fucking simple when you don’t live in clown world.


decayo t1_j7ygzer wrote

There's actually a version of your argument that could work, but yours is so dogshit that it's embarrassing. I think that you think you are coming off as "no nonsense", but you just sound like a dipshit. Take your thought to its logical conclusion. What's going to happen if a 10 year old boy is in the same bathroom as a 10 year old girl? Is the boy going to rape the girl or something? What is the moral decay that occurs in that bathroom once this sacred "dicks&vag" rule is violated? If a bathroom is designed in such a way that you are seeing vaginas, the bigger problem seems to be the design of the bathroom.


SheeEttin t1_j7xac1t wrote

From what?


knottedoaks t1_j7xeckc wrote

From these clowns who want to help groom your kids into some fake bullshit to start with.

I don’t care what you do as an adult, but leave kids alone.


SheeEttin t1_j7xvcp0 wrote

What clowns are in locker rooms and bathrooms? What kind of schools are you going to?


HowardNelsonJr t1_j7zrrmb wrote

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who is disturbed by how bad these pedophiles want to push their twisted sexual and gender shit on minor children.