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Argoyle_Gargoyle t1_j83rpd5 wrote

Live free or die.


atwally t1_j83snla wrote

*terms and conditions may apply


Dkm1331 t1_j847m2i wrote

please sign here that you accept hyper-inflated cost of living, bare minimum wage and that you will still be arrested for marijuana possession if caught in order to “live free or die”


InevitableMeh t1_j85x55h wrote

If you are experiencing freedom in excess of 4 hours, see a doctor.


Dkm1331 t1_j847r9s wrote

-please sign here that you accept hyper-inflated cost of living, bare minimum wage and that you will still be arrested for marijuana possession if caught in order to “live free or die”


Dkm1331 t1_j847oib wrote

please sign here that you accept hyper-inflated cost of living, bare minimum wage and that you will still be arrested for marijuana possession if caught in order to “live free or die”
