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MethBearBestBear t1_j9tdb3z wrote

The whole point is without the licensing requirement if you go to a place like super cuts you probably will have let someone who hasn't studied cut your hair at some point. How do you know? If you ask do you ask every time? What about someone who is travelling how would they know? If only there was some type of way to tell people this person is competent is keeping their tools clean...because the license is not that you are good at cutting hair it is that you can cut hair without cutting the person...


cwalton505 t1_j9u669l wrote

Based on the time I went to Supercuts i left there with the impression they certainly didn't study to cut hair.


nhbruh t1_j9uarzv wrote

Well, yeah. You wouldn’t go to Jiffy Lube for transmission service. Experience and education matter.


greenglasstree t1_j9yeus5 wrote

I wouldn't go to a low end hair salon anyways.

Eliminating a licence requirement is only going to make affluent New Hampshirite women go to Massachusetts to find a top-of-the-industry hair stylist.

Just like how affluent New Hampshirites already go to Massachusetts for luxury shopping, luxury services, and rare disease doctors.